Sharing Forex Trading E-books - page 12


Your records are correct...I just joined I was pretty desperate as I started trading last week and looking on the internet for answers on keeping my 'little change' from being wiped out by the market....

See...I worked as a Drilling engineer until B4 Xmas when I got the boot.. Nobody's drilling any wells in these hard times and the coy shrunk...

In summary, I need this to work out right,.. I spent the weekend sitting through training webinars and reading stuffs off the net on trading...

Please 'I NEED HELP ON EBOOKS OR TRAINING' which I could read and develop myself...



You can look here for some starter training...


Is anyone still using the Cash Cow Strategy? Can anyone advise me how I can get a copy. Thank you.


With each day we have to change our strategic plans, it is quite an important task we have to fulfill, if we want to gain high amount of points on forex chart.


Below are some of my own e-books.

I hope it helps you.




Kind regards,

-Muhammad Azeem

Muhammad Azeem (@readyforex) on Twitter

Elliott Wave Forex Weekly Forecast - Free


Your records are correct...I just joined I was pretty desperate as I started trading last week and looking on the internet for answers on keeping my 'little change' from being wiped out by the market.... See...I worked as a Drilling engineer until B4 Xmas when I got the boot.. Nobody's drilling any wells in these hard times and the coy shrunk... In summary, I need this to work out right,.. I spent the weekend sitting through training webinars and reading stuffs off the net on trading... Please 'I NEED HELP ON EBOOKS OR TRAINING' which I could read and develop myself...

Recently I read Forex Strategies forex ebook. It is really good and helped me to enhance my trading skills. You can download it from here: Forex eBook, Forex Trading Book - Get it Free at AVAFX


Learn forex eBooks for good forex strategies, forex methodologies, forex techniques and good trading decisions. No doubt that forex eBooks are the good option to learn how to trade forex successfully. The information given above about forex eBooks is really great and could be helpful for the traders.


if u want to learn about forex trading, i think that's already a lot of article at the internet. and many broker have that's facility at their website, but i just suggest.


Here is a free PDF e-book on "Introduction to Elliott Wave Theory"

file attached


because with deep understanding about forex trading, will help trader to be better read the market condition, and that's will very helpful for trader analysis to predict the price movement.