Kolachi Method of Trading - page 68



I trade Kolachi method manually. The Kolachi Method EA is not written by me but by Trading System Forex. Just google kolachi ea and you will get their website. Perhaps there you will find results.


Mr. Kolachi,Are the posted results from the EA of your system or you trading it manually? If they are manual is there a place where you have EA results?

thank you for the quick response!!


This thread is still active?

Someone has had success with this strategy?

This thread is still active? Someone has had success with this strategy?

Well it seems that author had a lot of sucess with it, but i was wondering is the EA you mentioned before any good and whats the price?


Weekly Performance

Month: March, 2009

Week: 20-27th day

Pips Pefromance: +583 pips

Eq. Change (week): +7.22%

Eq. Change (2009): +24.95%


The following chart is of eur/chf.

ec28032008.jpg  38 kb


I think EA is free.


Well it seems that author had a lot of sucess with it, but i was wondering is the EA you mentioned before any good and whats the price?

Weekly Performance

Month: March/April, 2009

Week: 27-03rd day

Pips Pefromance: +825 pips

Eq. Change (week): +9.07%

Eq. Change (2009): +34.02%


The following charts are usd/chf and eur/usd.

sw03042009.jpg  35 kb
e03042009.jpg  38 kb

Is any body following this technique in practice except for the owner of this original post? Any other successes?



If you want to know who is using Kolachi Method then search in google for Certified Kolachi Traders. They can tell you whether Km is of any worth or useless.


Is any body following this technique in practice except for the owner of this original post? Any other successes?

What is this method tell me in detail.