Kolachi Method of Trading - page 15


Just to keep records and facts straight, I must tell you that Bunnygirl thread was deleted by its originator in strategybuilderfx when she had a conflict with one of her students.

While three Kolachi threads were deleted by Forex Factory because they contained name, Kolachi which is not liked by FF.They had banned me last year on the charges of spamming because I posted linkback to my own website.But now after one year, they have deleted the Koalchi Threads which were a great source of free knowledge.I must say that in this world of media and net a popular method like Kolachi cant be supressed by any such deletion.


PS. Bearpaw you are always welcome to post your question and i will answer it.

why did they destroy Bunnygirl and kolachi? That seems ridiculous? Thanks for the advise above...will start looking at kolachi. BP

IMO They deleted because Kolachi shares only half of the info in forums and keeps bumping up the thread. It's supposed to be completed description and clear cut right in the forum, but you'd have to go to kolachi's website to learn more. Maybe even pay for subscription there?

Kolachi, this thread is in the grey line. Any "delete" vote from moderators will trigger a deletion of this thread too. However now there's no complaint just yet.


Dear Scorpion,

It is not the fact.I had shared everything or even each word of my method on FF and yet they deleted it.I created my site later on and put all that stuff in it.However, in my forum I provided realtime help and mentoring to traders.

Same here I have shared everything here but in a not well organized way so that it needs homework of traders to undersatnad what i say.If anyone wants readymade solution then he must pay a token fee.

But i always reply to questions here and never said no.Koalchi is better than those who never share a profitable method.

Moderators of fisherman have not objected because they are neutral while moderators of FF were paid and were running their own Private Forum.

However, Scorpion I got your implicit message and will try to keep myself away.But i dont mind if you delete or moderate my posts if you find anything objectionable to you including my signature.Howevr, please dont be another FF to destroy posts which contain some knowledge for traders.These posts are better than gossip usually found on forums.

thanks for all help,


IMO They deleted because Kolachi shares only half of the info in forums and keeps bumping up the thread. It's supposed to be completed description and clear cut right in the forum, but you'd have to go to kolachi's website to learn more. Maybe even pay for subscription there? Kolachi, this thread is in the grey line. Any "delete" vote from moderators will trigger a deletion of this thread too. However now there's no complaint just yet.

Kolachi Diplomatic Channel:

We know that in Koalchi Method diplomatic channels have very much importance.The price gets multiple rebounds in the channel from its boundaries and finally breaks out.

We can see that euro is struggling in DC2155 formed by ema21 as upper boundary and ema55 as lower boundary.First price got repulsion from lower boundary and now it is rejected by upper boundary.The break of this DC will decide further direction.

However, it is likely that price may break down to test ema100 at 3260 soon.



Hi All,

Within five minutes of my earlier post, you can see that price fell down 25 pips and broke below the ema55 and it will continue to fall down to test ema100.



Ideal System and Ideal Life Partner:

Richard Dennis taught his system to turtles and someone suspected him that he wont reveal his true method to turtles.He responded that he has revealed his system but people will still fail with it because they will not follow it after one or two failures.They will change rules every now and then and look for another system after some time.

I personally feel it very true.Mostly traders waste their energies in looking for a more better system rather than sticking to what is with them.The result is that they end up no where.

Successful trading is in brain and not in any system.Nothinig is perfect in the world except the personality of God Himself.When we do not follow any system, we start looking our personal failures reflected in the system failures and we get deviated from true path.Now we stop improving ourselves and we start looking for a new perfect system which is as elusive as any ideal life partner.It looks promising from a distance but once we are in the wedlock we start looking into its demerits and then starts search for a new partner.Such persons never settle into family life.

True remedy doesnt lie in finding an ideal partner but in accomodating with the reality and adopting ourselves to take maximum benefit out of what is available.

Ideal system or ideal Partner is a myth while reality is changing ourselves.

Ideal life doesnt mean ideal partner but living ideally with an ordinary partenr.

Successful trading doesnt mean successful system but trading an ordinary system successfully.(kolachi)



Hi Kolachi,

I agree and have seen the difference in my trading since I have stopped looking for the perfect trading system and started concentrating on a single system. I do from time to time read about other systems to see if I can learn something new but I use the bulk of my effort to master the skill of looking at price action and the moving averages and how they interact. I feel more confident in my trading day to day but as I am only human there are times when I do jump ship to try something new, usually to my detriment.

I think that many try to trade the hot system of the month instead of trying to find a system that fits their personality. A personality is a hard thing to change and many people believe it cannot be truly changed. Therefore it is better to find a system that matches your trading style than to trade a system that is profitable to others and their style of trading. In other words, try to find a trading system that matches your trading style, instead of trying to change your trading style to fit the system.

The same goes for choosing a currency pair, one has to find a pair that moves to his biorhythms or personality. Remember the human body has cycles just as the currencies do. I trade the Euro/Usd because it beats/cycles with the same rhythm as my own body, hence I feel at one with it and I am comfortable watching its movement. I am one with the Euro so it cuts out a great deal of the negative emotions that can be associated with forex trading. I feel calm in front of the Euro chart and I am able to make decisions without much anxiety, which leads to better trading decisions.



A lot of people discuss about kolachi but most of them are not familiar with it because the explanation of the sysmtem is not clear. I dont undertsand why he never put the entry and exit signal in the chart when 'promoting' in the forum ?

The anser is clear....just go to his website and pay for the subscription. It's seems that Kolachi still feels shy to explore his system because he needs money from the subsription in his website.


I can also write here...

win 120 pips Bri/Usd

win 230 pips Brit/Jp and bla.ba...


A lot of people discuss about kolachi but most of them are not familiar with it because the explanation of the sysmtem is not clear. I dont undertsand why he never put the entry and exit signal in the chart when 'promoting' in the forum ?The anser is clear....just go to his website and pay for the subscription. It's seems that Kolachi still feels shy to explore his system because he needs money from the subsription in his website.He...he...he.....I can also write here...win 120 pips Bri/Usdwin 230 pips Brit/Jp and bla.ba...Nic

It is legitim to question if kolachi is an honest guy or not, I had the same questions some time ago. To really know the answer costs the price of 20$.

What is not legit is pointing a finger to koalchi saying "You jsut want our money".

Honestly I don't understand you. Do you think it would be fair to the people that paied the subscription that Kolachi would teach EVERYTHING for free in other foruns?What would be the point of joining kolachi forum then?

Here he allready wrote everything about the method to you and what was written is more than enough for you to try it and start producing pips. The questions you have are all answered in the private forum and if kolachi doen't answer more on this thread is because people like you that instead of trying to udnerstand the method and ask questions politely to him, instead prefer to ofend him and drag is name on the mud.

And let me tell you one more thing, you believe me or not. The fee that Kolachi charges( a fortune, 20$ for a lifetime) is to filter people like you that has no interest in trading and just like to go through foruns complaining about everything and writting shit about everyone.

Now you fellows can Imagine how it would be the peacefull and educational Kolachi site if it was free to everyone... Knowing what I know now about Kolachi and Kolachi Method, I would rather pay 500$ than having people like you in Kolachi's site.

So, if you feel that the "holly grail" system you use right now is better than the Kolachi Method I'll be so glad if you just stick to it, instead of joining our forum.


Oh I only noticed now your website on your signature. That explains a lot...