Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 193

The hack - if that would mean that it is going to be bugles the could name it even build 9999 but I really would like to see one version that is ate least 50% as stable as build 509

Hope it won't be build 9999 build though

Hope it won't be build 9999 build though

This is the last post from the build 735 :

735 still crash, have to use 670 version terminal.exe







It is just getting worse not better - build 9999 looks like a logical build to wait for

735.gif  7 kb
This is the last post from the build 735 :

It is just getting worse not better - build 9999 looks like a logical build to wait for

Build 735 is filled with odd things - do not use it

Build 735 is filled with odd things - do not use it

I am not

That is a post from some poor soul that thought that bigger build number means improvement. Little did he know


It was foreseeable from last year Dec or so to the first few months of the year when the Beta version had many issues that when resolved, popped out another. The Beta version should never have been allowed to gone live until it was affirmatively stable. Sure, there will inevitably be some bugs here and there in software development, but the Beta version obviously had too many problems.

What's worse is MT4 is just hiding behind in a corner in their forums and their CEO or management people have not come out in the open to apologise for the major disruptions due to bugs. Pointing fingers now will not help any matters since they have obviously chosen their PR strategy to be that of pretending no major software issues are involved.

What MT4 Management should at the very least do now is to give us a fixed timeframe for a fairly stable build, no matter how long (months or years). Indefinite silence on this matter is going to hurt things even more than coming out in the open. If there exists no confidence for the issue to be resolved in afew short short months, what should be done is to revert back to the "original pre-upgrade build" & work in the background on the upgrades. Losing face backtracking to older versions is one thing & will earn giggles from the software industry, but between a simple solution or losing customer distrust forever and mass customer + broker desertions, it is surely not hard to pick. It is hard for people to have indefinite patience if they are not kept in the information loop.

Optimism isn't what's needed here. What's needed is hard-grounded realism. MT4, please kindly show us some of the latter.


A lot of guys reporting problems to connect to their brokers when using terminal on VPS (don't forget that the biggest "novelty" is VPS that metatrader plans to sell to users)

A lot of guys reporting problems to connect to their brokers when using terminal on VPS (don't forget that the biggest "novelty" is VPS that metatrader plans to sell to users)


They were trying to prevent other signal seller, now they are trying to prevent usage of terminal of VPSs that are not sold by them. The later can be a cause for such a lawsuit against them that they will never again try to do anything similar


I think if TSD(Mladen ,Mrtools and other coders) stops coding in mql4 and switch to another language, MT4 would finish very quickly.Maybe fxcodebase site would be shelter for a while for mql4 lovers but I dont think they have the dynamism and skills to match TSD team.

The question is if TSD switch to the another language (easylanguage ,c sharp etc.) will they be as popular as they are with mql4 language?By the way Ninjatrader also have their own platform problems.For example backtest in Ninja is buggy(it doesnt take the slippage into account).


As I see, the brokers migration to other trading platforms already started

As I see, the brokers migration to other trading platforms already started

Avalanche is starting