Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 58


Build 559

Problem with labels display (labels positions) solved. Still the problem with labels contents remains. Also the problem with internal functions and built in indicators kept within an endless loop remains


And in order to not keep everything negative : here is an example how the whole thing can look in new metatrader 4 (regarding the interface to users primarily)

example_1.gif  56 kb

Yep, but by the time the make it bug free we are all going to retire:)

How can they force brokers to an upgrade?

Don't think that brokers can be forced to it

Other matter is that when you have a system based on one trading platform it is difficult to convert all to some other system (trading platform) without problems. At a moment some metatrader brokers that are using only metatrader are in that kind of a trap. And that is probably why mq feels so confident - not because of the users


It is true but as I see almost all serious brokers are already slowly migrating to their own platforms. In the end it will be what happens : brokers will not allow some external company to blackmail them with a buggy trading platform


What amazes me is how efficiently they stopped any posts about bugs in the beta version on the English part of their site. Talking about paranoia ...


New MT4 Frankenstein?

The next build of Metatrader will NOT BE COMPATIBLE with a lot of scripts, including these tools.

Make a backup copy of your Metatrader directory NOW for preparation of the next release (Always a good idea, look at the recent compiler issue). Here is the news release from their website:

A New Metatrader 4 Build Will Not Be Compatible

It seems that the build 509 is the last build in the current development branch. And I guess it remains to be the only available for the next couple of months.

The new build(s) is currently in beta testing phase and it comes with completely replaced scripting engine and compiler. Though it claims backward compatibility, the compatibility applies only to the pure MQL4 scripts, which were compiled by any of the previous compilers. The new compiler won't compile the recent source files (mq4).

The directory structure changed as well, so indicators and scripts are now merged into a MQL4 folder.

Unfortunately, users of RangeBar, RenkoBar, TickBar and MeanrenkoBar will not be able to use the currently downloaded indicators with the new build. I am preparing a concurrent release for the new MT4 build and I will create a new download area for it, not to mess with the current one.

Had to create a backup of an old MT4 for compiling EAs and Indicators as well. Since they disabled Compiling of decompiled EAs.

Took this warning from other FX forum! Looks scary!

Is the new MT4 made in cooperation with Wall Street market makers?

We should boycott all brokers which will not offer the present MT4 version. Do they want to make 99.9% traders losers? Probably!



They are (mq) doing it to themselves. Closing all the doors for downward compatibility and imposing a need to rewrite almost all the code will be a bigger problem then they are capable to understand (not for users, for mq). Users can always migrate to some other platform. mq can not


Metaquotes is making the same mistake again. Metatrader 5 was not a success because it did not provide compatibility. Now metaquotes is doing the same thing. Do those people really think that it will pass this time?


Build 560

The problem with the contents of some labels display still present as well as a problem with internal functions when kept in endless loop in an EA