Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 55


According to them, in the old mql compiler (the existing one) "The functions may not return values even if they have a type. To provide this, return(0) is automatically inserted by the compiler in the function end".

So, I have been working with functions that can not return values (according to metaquotes) other than 0 for 5 years and I did not know that what they are returning is 0 and not the value that they are returning :):) It seems that 0 can have all sorts of values ... if the rest of the documentation will be like that we are going to have an interesting period ahead of us

functions.gif  44 kb

One more difference : datetime format is 64 bit (it was 32 bit) and volume format has changed. All the code that worked with offline charts must be changed because time and volumes in the hst file are not matching the expected formats any more. But so far we do not have the exact format of a new hst files

Renat 2013.12.06 12:36 #

Market while in test mode.

Next week will begin public tests of the new MT4 to include it on our MetaQuotes-Demo. This will allow us to expand the audience for tests.

The official release of the new MT4 we moved to the middle of January 2014, to allow brokers quietly finish this year.

Маркет 4 заработал! - Форум трейдеров - # comment_688109

Does that mean that they think that it is close the be ready? Not funny if they wanted to make a joke


It seems that they are going to do that. Now, the whole thing with beta test starts to look odd. First we were asked to participate in beta test. Then only the Russian part of mq forum was allowed to post results of those beta tests. Now, all of a sudden, it is ready. Without waiting the rest to test it. All that would be OK if it was not for bugs that are on a so basic level that it is very hard hard to imagine that it can work anything OK when the basic things are not solved yet.

So, who's conclusion is (was) that this "new metatrader 4" is ready? No comment any more on things like that. Useless to comment it

It seems that they are going to do that. Now, the whole thing with beta test starts to look odd. First we were asked to participate in beta test. Then only the Russian part of mq forum was allowed to post results of those beta tests. Now, all of a sudden, it is ready. Without waiting the rest to test it. All that would be OK if it was not for bugs that are on a so basic level that it is very hard hard to imagine that it can work anything OK when the basic things are not solved yet. So, who's conclusion is (was) that this "new metatrader 4" is ready? No comment any more on things like that. Useless to comment it

they have monkeys from Moscow Zoo testing it

rumour's have it the monkeys are n't that happy with it either and are demanding more bananas or will start posting how bad it is

although their main gripe is the Banana Market can't be traded on MT4.something


Build 556

Changes again. For the WORSE again. All the previous bugs are still there plus now working with label type objects is a complete mess. At this post you can see how the daily data looked like before this build (in the upper right corner - even then it had problems but at least it looked like almost OK). Here is how it looks like now :

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We should start using a new term. Instead of de-bugging we should use re-bugging

We should start using a new term. Instead of de-bugging we should use re-bugging

I second it :):)



I see that they started the usual useless dispute which coding language is the better there where you posted at metaquotes site. That will only slow down even more the whole thing

mladen I see that they started the usual useless dispute which coding language is the better there where you posted at metaquotes site. That will only slow down even more the whole thing

That is simply a human nature. There will always be people that when asked about the weather will start talking about time (and vice versa). But that it does not help the developers to identify and remove bugs and that way it is slowing down the whole development, that is also true.