Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 54


Build 555 :

There are changes ... finally ... but : before when you wanted to pass a string parameter to a called indicator it received only one character. Now it receives ZERO characters . Glad that there are changes, but I was hoping to see changes for the better not the worse. Oh well ... maybe the approach is that any change is better than no change at all, but I do not see how it will help this beta version


Well, some of the trading platforms (or all of them) you have mentioned are sure going to have a lot more customers if metaquotes does not get serious very fast


PS: the error with built in functions and indicators still exists in the same form as before as well as the problem with a called indicators that are not unloaded from the memory. All in all nothing of the observed was corrected except that some errors become more serious


Renat 2013.12.06 12:36 #

Market while in test mode.

Next week will begin public tests of the new MT4 to include it on our MetaQuotes-Demo. This will allow us to expand the audience for tests.

The official release of the new MT4 we moved to the middle of January 2014, to allow brokers quietly finish this year.

Маркет 4 заработал! - Форум трейдеров - # comment_688109

Renat 2013.12.06 12:36 #

Market while in test mode.

Next week will begin public tests of the new MT4 to include it on our MetaQuotes-Demo. This will allow us to expand the audience for tests.

The official release of the new MT4 we moved to the middle of January 2014, to allow brokers quietly finish this year.

Маркет 4 заработал! - Форум трейдеров - # comment_688109

Those are nice plans ...

But somehow I have a feeling that they are completely ignoring the current state of the new metatrader 4 beta. Anyway we shall see what will happen. Decisions are not made by us and in this case all we can do is sit and watch what will happen to the whole thing


I think as end users of the platform, if we can have a more active role.

I did it with the opening of this thread. To alert the user community of the problems that lie ahead.

It is also useful, support other platforms, and metatrader to lose market share, increase the quality of their products.

I have inspired and collaborated with the development of a program of autonomous operation.

Experts to run independently of all platforms.

You only need the platform for input prices and the mechanism of opening and closing orders.

Metaquotes is not aware that abuse to users are paid before or after, but always take their toll.

I think as end users of the platform, if we can have a more active role.

I did it with the opening of this thread. To alert the user community of the problems that lie ahead.

It is also useful, support other platforms, and metatrader to lose market share, increase the quality of their products.

I have inspired and collaborated with the development of a program of autonomous operation.

Experts to run independently of all platforms.

You only need the platform for input prices and the mechanism of opening and closing orders.

Metaquotes is not aware that abuse to users are paid before or after, but always take their toll.


I do agree with you but I know the other side of that too ...

Metaquotes was ignoring any suggestion or information that something is wrong with their trading platform(s) for years. That is why metatrader 4 is the only trading platform in the world that does not have a correct built in macd, sar and adx. They have a long history of hearing only what they are willing to hear and I do not think that it will be changed any time soon


They will not do anything. This is afake change to save their investment in metatrader 5 (and too keep brokers that are using it). Imagine the brokers that bought that ... thing and nobody wants to use it. That is a money wrongly invested and now metatquotes is trying to invent reasons why they were right and they are not going to ask for our opinion about it


Just a short info : any code that is using ArrayCopyRates() will have to be rewritten (target array has changed the format, it will not work with old format of array[][6] arrays). That applies to ex4 too (if the format of rates is changed, ex4 that is trying to copy that data will not work OK any more)


Now it is officialy in public beta and announced for English speaking also Beta MetaTrader 4 Build 555 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - MQL4 forum