Questions about elite and advanced section items - page 18

Sorry No idea what can cause that

thanks anyway!

You can buy individual item : log out and then do the buying (but then the price is different)

Anyway, it is a subscription, and if you want to use it only for 10 items, simple cancel it as soon as you downloaded 10 items (cancel it with paypal) and then next month it will not be charged (again it is done by paypal)


PS: request regarding elite and advanced items are done exclusively for subscribers of those sections. Package subscribers can not ask changes or adjustments

hi mladen,

i don't understand:

a) in march $12 for 10 items/month and now $24,99...?

b) can i still buy individual items? because i don't see how.


adv_elite.jpg  76 kb
hi mladen,

i don't understand:

a) in march $12 for 10 items/month and now $24,99...?

b) can i still buy individual items? because i don't see how.


indicators are becoming twice advanced now include lines, push notifecations, arrows of so many kinds, charts becoming a Christ_mas tree with everything turned on...

hi mladen,

i don't understand:

a) in march $12 for 10 items/month and now $24,99...?

b) can i still buy individual items? because i don't see how.


a) it was explained already - decision of owners (and if you compare it to an average cup of coffee price in cities like the one where you live, I do understand their decision, and when you compare it to renamed indicators that are sold on mt market for $399 to $1200 a peace, then I understand the owners decision even more)

b) that was answered too - unlog and then go for download. The price for single item is different then

a) it was explained already - decision of owners (and if you compare it to an average cup of coffee price in cities like the one where you live, I do understand their decision, and when you compare it to renamed indicators that are sold on mt market for $399 to $1200 a peace, then I understand the owners decision even more) b) that was answered too - unlog and then go for download. The price for single item is different then

a) yes, but the price of an espresso cup didn't double in a few months here. yet...

a) yes, but the price of an espresso cup didn't double in a few months here. yet...

You mean it is a price of 4 domestic draught beers a month now instead of 2 beers? Why, that is a big difference indeed

You mean it is a price of 4 domestic draught beers a month now instead of 2 beers? Why, that is a big difference indeed

my doctor says i should not drink all that beer.

my doctor says i should not drink all that beer.

They are right. They are probably saying you also that you should not eat Big Mac Burger either (which is exactly the difference in price - ONE Big Mac Burger - which is not even big when you take a closer look).

But then if you want to eat in a regular diner you would have to pay some 10 times more than the difference (but hey, food is food : why would we question the prices of food in a diner )

They are right. They are probably saying you also that you should not eat Big Mac Burger either (which is exactly the difference in price - ONE Big Mac Burger - which is not even big when you take a closer look). But then if you want to eat in a regular diner you would have to pay some 10 times more than the difference (but hey, food is food : why would we question the prices of food in a diner )

hey, that's exactly what they tell me! are you a doctor, too...?!?

hey, that's exactly what they tell me! are you a doctor, too...?!?


I am just a moron that thought that his coding work (and 25 years of constant learning to be better at that work) will be appreciated instead of being stomped upon. But that was in some past life. Dreams are dreams. Men are men.

happy trading