Questions about elite and advanced section items - page 16

"Need support ? Write us a message by clicking here."

That's what I did three times already, "Send an email to the site administrator"

I did that three times, do you think I have gotten any answer ? Nope, dear Mladen.

Nothing ...or does anyone read that stuff ? I don't know.

Those points and credits are useless, do you want them ?

Or not, I will give some credits to my wife, she deserves it.

If I am not mistaken, I have already answered that

As far as I know, the decision of the owners is that there will be no more download based on credits. Apparently they made that decision because of a lot of TSD code "shared" on warez sites and they think that the main source for that code is primarily obtained by using credits.


I have never seen that answer, thanks for sharing it.

It's always the same, honest people who do not 'share' any code at all are the victims once again.

I get emails every day from those scam sites and I will never believe a word from them.

Hmmm, my wife doesn't want those credits either ...

I have never seen that answer, thanks for sharing it.

It's always the same, honest people who do not 'share' any code at all are the victims once again.

I get emails every day from those scam sites and I will never believe a word from them.

Hmmm, my wife doesn't want those credits either ...

Unfortunately but you are 100% right

Whenever there is something that normal people can benefit from, it is 101% sure that there will be some that are going to leach on such a thing. What was meant to be a thanks for people that are kind enough to help to others by sharing what they have or what they have made, was twisted into a scammers paradise. Too much examples like that


Wulong 10, i am sorry for touching the subject but why are you talking with Mladen like he is owner of Forex tsd? In my opinion you should say thank you for his works...


tomitom06, I have been thanking Mladen and Mrtools several times for the helping work they do and I really appreciate them for helping people out. And I think they know that.

When someone sends me an email with questions I always reply. I do know Mladen is not the owner of this site, but after several emails to the owners with no reply at all, where would I get an answer ?

Right, here !

At least now everything is clear for me.

If I had not found this site, I would still be trading with crappy, repainting indicators from obscure sites thanks !

Unfortunately but you are 100% right Whenever there is something that normal people can benefit from, it is 101% sure that there will be some that are going to leach on such a thing. What was meant to be a thanks for people that are kind enough to help to others by sharing what they have or what they have made, was twisted into a scammers paradise. Too much examples like that

I agree with that !

Can't those scammers be prosecuted or maybe better : a 'black list' ...

I agree with that ! Can't those scammers be prosecuted or maybe better : a 'black list' ...


Let me give you one example : on one site they are posting my code pretending that it was written by someone else. When I wrote them that I know what are they doing and that it is not a nice thing to do at the least, they banned my IP. What do you think how long it took me to circumvent that ban? Exactly 1.5 minute. So even if we ban them in the source (their IPs), the assumption is that they can do the same thing I did, so ...


So nothing can be done against those people with 'bad' minds ?

I can easily come up with a list of scammers who send me emails every day, reveal their names on a kind of black list, but I also think they never use their own names ....but anyhow it would be useful to prevent easy to convince people from falling to the lures of 'easy money' the scammers always try to prove with any means they can.

Trading is not easy and will never be, how can someone trust a site that comes up with 100% wins ?

But I think a lot of people do and only lose money after getting a 100% useless, fake system.

And the scammers win once again ....

I must always laugh when I get an email and the guy promises a superb and free indicator. Yes, the indicator is free !

When you look, a lot of bla bla and in the end he asks 19 Euros for the 'handling cost'. Woehahaaaa !

Only 2000 copies left ! Pfff; I can make 10000 copies of any indicator ...

So 2000 x 19 Euros, that's 38000 Euros.

How long does it take to gain that money with trading ?


They never use their real names (not even "karl dittman" or "rita lasker")

"karl dittman" is a guy (lives in Germany, but he is not a German) that is an owner of a couple of porno sites too : that is what he does - gets the money from people using whatever means he will not be prosecuted for



Meanwhile, it isn´t possible Elite / Advanced Indicators not buy individually but only for $ 12, - per month. But you also get 10 pieces. Unfortunately, I can´t find a clue to whether it is a subscription, so if I have to pay every month $ 12, - or it is a one-shot deal. On my inquiries with the support I have unfortunately received no response. Maybe someone can help me here.


Jim Clark