Harmonic Analysis - page 247


I covered the text of M. Carney, on the PRZ. Consider a BATTERFLY BEAR. In order for the pattern to be formed, and the reversal takes place, the price must have tested the entire range of the PRZ, and in particular three conditions:

1) 1.27 XA

2) at least 1,618 BC projection

3) Alernate 1:27 AB = CD is the minimum required

The candle price that will test all three of these conditions, will be called Terminal bar price, and the best case is when this will close below the range of harmonic numbers. Above the maximum of this candle we will position our SL according to our criteria deemed most appropriate, such as: percentage resistances or supports, or according to their own RR.

Probably the same as above... was a potential level from a demand zone perspective as well, but if you counted on it and failed, the demand zone was minimizing the risk, and shows the next levels just by itself...also does not mean will work for sure, need to analyze HTF situation D1, W1 for that.

and there will be waves up and down,m that is how bulls and bears are losing and winning in any situation, but on HTF I still have this picture on mind:

Maybe it is just me and not the market, one never knows.

Lobo, do you take any pattern you find? As long as I remember, you were testing so many methods. Have you gotten a solid method?

I covered the text of M. Carney, on the PRZ. Consider a BATTERFLY BEAR. In order for the pattern to be formed, and the reversal takes place, the price must have tested the entire range of the PRZ, and in particular three conditions:

1) 1.27 XA

2) at least 1,618 BC projection

3) Alernate 1:27 AB = CD is the minimum required

The candle price that will test all three of these conditions, will be called Terminal bar price, and the best case is when this will close below the range of harmonic numbers. Above the maximum of this candle we will position our SL according to our criteria deemed most appropriate, such as: percentage resistances or supports, or according to their own RR.

dan50 it is really nice and precise!

There always will be failures to HPs as well as to other methods. I did not find so far Carneys SL recommendation, I will check again. Thank you.

Ryushin, some people call that working zone of the "hummer" a " demand zone" have a look at that concept of supply and demand, might improve even harmonic performance...

I tried to reproduce the time, I am bad at it, but I think your hummer is close to represent the demand zone at X of and below the failed bat...

I have not drawn the zones mannually correct as of which one is fresh or sed, just to show where those were expected.

For the reason of showing the past situation, I did not draw any of the present zones either...

I have read some basic concept of supply and demand. I took advantage of it. Now I don't take any trades that don't match my rule. I take only ones that have high probability. The cypher or shark in the pic is totally invalid in my book.

I have read some basic concept of supply and demand. I took advantage of it. Now I don't take any trades that don't match my rule. I take only ones that have high probability. The cypher or shark in the pic is totally invalid in my book.

Hi Ryushin, unless I miss something I still see a cypher/shark (?) there... borderline complying with cypher description..

so please give me your points that I might have missed.


Hi Ryushin, unless I miss something I still see a cypher/shark (?) there... borderline complying with cypher description..

so please give me your points that I might have missed.


IT IS a valid cypher. What I meant was I wouldn't take it because it doesn't meet my rule.


Btw lobo, can you please share images in a regular way? Just upload images on TSD instead of putting a link or something because they don't show properly.

Btw lobo, can you please share images in a regular way? Just upload images on TSD instead of putting a link or something because they don't show properly.

I would, but suddenly for whatever reason in non of my browser takes an image, since 1-2 weeks now, it gives me an error. I dunno why, this was the closest I could get to be able to attach an image.

I would attach the screenshot, but will not be able to upload that either..

Any idea?

I would, but suddenly for whatever reason in non of my browser takes an image, since 1-2 weeks now, it gives me an error. I dunno why, this was the closest I could get to be able to attach an image.

I would attach the screenshot, but will not be able to upload that either..

Any idea?

Which attachment uploader do you use, enhanced ver or normal version? If enhanced ver, try the normal one.

Lobo, do you take any pattern you find? As long as I remember, you were testing so many methods. Have you gotten a solid method?

Yes, I got close to have a way to look for and select favorit set-up.

I screen for ABCDs, where I find, I am checking for 5 point patterns coinsiding withi, as well as possible 3 drive level and Wolfe wave...

I am also checkind nearest to PRZ supply/Demand zone for not trying to get in early neither to get out early by SL, but if this shows too big RR, I rather avoid trading it.

So far this one looks good, today I had one close to complete... the whole set-up requirements, but I was missing a clear 5p pattern, so I was not keen on taking it, neither was ready with my weekly review...

I will post an upcoming one before completion asap...

Till then here it is one I looked at today, missing the complete requirements of mine for falling in love with it:

The other potential problem with it to consider the bear H4 and D1 HPs which are pretty much ready to go.

Here is an other complete (actually 2) complete examples from last week having all what I mentioned above, as I recall the reason for not taking this last one was Friday...

I still must agree with you I am looking too many things though.