Metatrader known bugs ... - page 58

That is sad. What used to be a big community of people helping each other (systems and coding) is gone mostly thanks to metatrader actions (or inaction - for how many years they knew that ex4 can be decompiled and they did nothing to protect coders. As soon as they decided to step into that market - they solved the protection too. It makes me wonder : who "leaked" the decompiler in the first place?)

I don't know about the decompiler, but that they did not offer any normal protection did a lot of damage. Pity. Now it seems too late to get the coders that were stolen something back

I don't know about the decompiler, but that they did not offer any normal protection did a lot of damage. Pity. Now it seems too late to get the coders that were stolen something back

Decompiler could have come just from one place

Decompiler could have come just from one place

Are you saying that it is from metatrader?

on my own:
Are you saying that it is from metatrader?

That is the most logical place where it could come from

That is the most logical place where it could come from

Why should they do it?

I don't see how could they profit from that

on my own:
Why should they do it? I don't see how could they profit from that

Now let look at the decompiler thing from different angle : from the mq angle

There are tradestation, metastock, eSignal ... all much more robust and much better trading platforms. Tradestation has a perfect protection. Metastock indirectly (using their toolkit). But they have a flaw : check how much does a single indicator for tradestation cost these days.

Now, if metatrader made their ex4 protected, people would soon start selling things at similar price like the others. Instead, mq "leaked" decompiler that threw prices of originally coded work for metatrader into dust (or raised the cost of such apps too high - like mqlProtect). And since then all could have everything for no money at all, metatrader became popular among the broadest class off all - the middle class that can not invest too much, but can invest some.

All in all : they prevented coders to earn money in order to become popular among the financially lower class of traders.


And then they decided to make a market. And then, all of sudden, protection can be applied to mq. And then, we are seeing the result : less and less free code. Soon the next step will happen too : mq code will become more expensive (warez sites are alredy feeling that effect - the lack of "new" stuff "produced" by decompilers) and soon the mq community will narrow to the same size as the others. This time they made a wrong move : seeking for a couple of $ more (market) they forgot why in the first place they leaked the decompiler. Probably the owner was smarter then


I see your point but ...

Any angry laid off employee could do that. The fault of metatrader was that they did not provide protection - but you might be right that they did not care or did not want to protect ex4.

Anyway, a bit tired now. Have a nice weekend and I hope that are not that bad as you told (for the sake of all of us)

on my own:
I see your point but ...

Any angry laid off employee could do that. The fault of metatrader was that they did not provide protection - but you might be right that they did not care or did not want to protect ex4.

Anyway, a bit tired now. Have a nice weekend and I hope that are not that bad as you told (for the sake of all of us)

Have a nice weekend too Hopefully we shall not see decompiler for new metatrader any time soon


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Big Be:
Conspiracy theories: Gotta love 'em!

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Glad that an expert stepped in too

When you talk about some things, are you talking about things like these : ?