Advanced trading lessons - page 77


you guys make me mad some times , just like always but in the end.. i really like you guys.

and you guys hate me!! at least pretend to like me. once in awhile! gosh!!


notice on that trading mapping system. that last daily up swing taken out by 55%

not only that but wait until you see the live chart. swings write wear i told you it would be

starting a range. then attack that level twice.

then bang two more daily swing ranges.!!


where are all my friends!!!!!!!!!!!! crap what the heck. please read my crap.

a at least need a crappy opinion of my crap.


i miss you guys!! please come back to mess with my brain. i am sorry.kkkk i will stop being a jerk!!

my crap is getting crappier!! please ! dang no friends


It seems you are obsessed with being right, being correct, trading is not about being right or wrong. Trading is about probabilities, having an edge, an edge that puts the odds in your favour. Percentage of wins, win/ loss ratio means nothing. It's not the frequency of correctness that matters, it's the magnitude of it.

These systems you are coming up with where ever you are reading them from are pointless, it's the same old stuff over and over, the charts they are all the same.

How are you going to make money, where are the trades, the opportunities , the edge. Where are the probabilities, the odds in your favour?

I'll mention it one more time then no more. Where is your trade, entry and exit eur usd Monday..


i am getting closer to completely exposing Forex prices!! in way no one ever dreamed possible!!

does this help. the holy molly girl or grail what ever.



have some common sense man!! are you blind? this first part has kept the traders brain in the correct place 80 % of the time. and it's simple.


first step before you ever pull the trigger is: placing your brain in the correct setting.

a mapped setting. how long have you traded kid? you can't do shit with out a map.


you can't do shit with out a map. otherwise you are making the market more random then it is!!

and more complicated !! simplify man. map you way around, theirs information !!! trending swings are generally

in close proximity the same distance! that's not something you should care about? how in he--double LL

do you get around in live a magic wand!!


guessing is not a good idea in forex!!!