Goldmine! - page 54


What has the EU done? It found support at WL, blasted off and has been rolling in that gold zone. Highlighted it just for chart pattern lovers. Lots of lines there but all in play. Price will need a push from here as it appears to be "stuck". No major tells at the moment...imho, but still making higher highs...etc.



Just letting you know that the weekly wrap-up of the ten pairs I follow on the blog should be posted by tonight.

Enjoy your weekend.



Good Monday Morning traders,

Price at a critical spot...hanging on the edge of the green L-MLH. Still no significant lower lows. Seeing bullish sentiment on H4 at this time. Will have to wait to see how that develops. WL could be a target. Buyers have also shown to be hanging around there.

Take care,


P.S. Market has also been very slow thus far.


Well... price did fall out of the green fork and found some buyers at the WL area (actually at the sliding parallel drawn from the low at 1.4240). Price moving up again to darker green L-MLH. Will see what we get there. News to come as well.

All the best today,



Price is still giving the impression that it wants to go higher...notice the support (buyers) along the teal L-MLH. Buyers have not yet been able to make higher highs. Patience to wait for a confirmed tell is key. News to come this morning as well.

All the best,



Well almost everyone is still watching to see what will be next with EU. News to come this morning. Price parked at a crossroad: just below green L-MLH and at red WIF Ain't no tellin' now...gotta wait for this one p-a-t-i-e-n-t-l-y.

Take care,



Hello again,

Hope your weekend is going well. The weekly chart warp-ups of the 10 pairs I follow on the blog are now available. Hope they provide a good second opinion for you.

Enjoy your day tomorrow,


Hello again,

Hope your weekend is going well. The weekly chart warp-ups of the 10 pairs I follow on the blog are now available. Hope they provide a good second opinion for you.

Enjoy your day tomorrow,


Just wanna say good job. keep it up.

Just wanna say good job. keep it up.

Thanks Gladiator. Are you a fork trader? How have these posts been helping you (whether you are a fork trader or not)? People don't post too much here so it would be nice to get your feedback.

Take care,



Good Morning Traders,

EU did break some lows...finally. Now there are some more buyers at the blue trend line...see the long tail? Support at certain levels gotta go if this is to fall for real and that blue line is one of them. Market knows best .

Take care,

