Goldmine! - page 49


Good Morning traders,

Price continued downward, making lower highs and lower lows until it found some buyers at support, the second WL (blue arrow). Could run into sellers at the L-MLH of green fork. Could be a war zone area now. We'll see.


P.S. At the time of this posting, price has gone above L-MLH and finding resistance at blue S/R line.


Hello traders,

An updated view of EU. Tried posting earlier this morning and the servers were busy. Shortly thereafter I had to leave. Attached is the chart at that time.

Take care,



Price fell taking out some buyers around 1.3733...lower low made but then price pushed "higher"...weakness shown by longish shadows. Won't say much more, but lots going on. Trade what you see.

News to come. Busy day for me.

Trade well,



Good Friday Morning,

Price still technically making higher highs and higher lows...but showing some weakness. Anything could happen. U.s. news this morning. Broke above the U-MLH of the larger red fork. Let's see what price gives today. Will take a look when I return.

All the best,



Needed Help

i am a forex newbie

and i think you are interested in teaching us (newbies)

and im also interested in learning to

so it is good if we both meet on skype. you can give me your skype id or simply add me

my id is fx.aarish


Eternity Flame:
i am a forex newbie

and i think you are interested in teaching us (newbies)

and im also interested in learning to

so it is good if we both meet on skype. you can give me your skype id or simply add me

my id is fx.aarish


Hello Eternity Flame,

Glad you are interested in learning. I sent you a Private Message.

Take care,



Hello traders,

Weekly wrap-ups are posted on the blog.



Price at an interesting place.


Here's a close up of EU.



Quick comment...weekly set-ups now posted on the blog.