THE CABLE System RAS ID:30323 - page 10


Bad Performance

Hi Floortrader,

can you please check The Cable,

because the performance isn't so good at the moment

and it openend allways to many positions in opinion, yesterday 9 for example, after they were in profit, the positions were all closed with SL


"The Cable" is a fully mechanical EA, if I understood well and the market is very sluggish these days. So this is unavoidable I am afraid. But it makes this EA not the super ATM it promised to be. I am losing my interest.

"The Cable" is a fully mechanical EA, if I understood well and the market is very sluggish these days. So this is unavoidable I am afraid. But it makes this EA not the super ATM it promised to be. I am losing my interest.


i'm also disappointed from this EA,

especially from the trades yesterday

9 positions first in profit and then closed with a huge loss


...APRIL 2010 ...Spring coming

472 winning trade($2909.55), 48 losing trade(-4409.03) ...$1500.38 of lost, on a $10000.00 equity, in one month...

Since ..."our goal is prove the viabillity of a GOOD SYSTEM by a good ROBOTIC TRADING SYSTEM", we will expose our RAS SERVER Resume, and, our MT4 Detailed Report, here, month after month.

And, our MT4 Report

2010-04-01 to 2010-04-30



Up ?

Can the FLOORTRADER crawl out of the hole ?????

We will see in the coming weeks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yessssssss !

BACK WITH A BANG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


sever time

hi all

I'm new here,

anyone knows what is CABLE server time in GMT?