RDB & RTL system - page 14

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A word of caution.

a couple of emails from last night that I think need to be addressed to a larger group. They were short thank you/keep up good work type of emails. One trader doubled his account since mid Feb, another tripled from January while trading rdb&rtl.

Guys, I share your excitement and I'm also happy for you, but If you doubled your account in such short period of time, that means, that you're taking unnecessary risk. You're probably trading a small account (2,000-5,000) and must be using 10-20% risk per position.

PLEASE DON'T do this. I will be here until I get tired of RAS and based on the past 5 years, I know what equity curve will look like quarter after quarter, year after year. You have plenty of time and I would not be surprised if after trading with me for a year or so, you wouldn't even need me anymore...

Please keep one thing in mind when you use big risk.


You want to preserve your capital first and you want to run to the finish line. You don't have to be first.

I'll leave you with that thought.

Enjoy your pips and the weekend.


p.s. almost forgot about one more email

'rac, have you got rich with RAS yet?' ...

Lol... the short answer is no. I don't need ras to be successful and for the record, I haven't received a single penny from them for the last 13 weeks...

p.s. chart shows last 13 weeks of trading. I've taken all those trades and my account has grown 30% over that period, not 300%

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Hi Rac,

Before suscribing at your signal first because you teach people how to trade (a different approch to EA signals), I want to know what you mean by RDB and RTL (are they two different methods?). In the presentation you've stated your risks are about 200-300 pips, but as I saw in the closed trades in february, one on GBPJPY was 497 pips loss. So what is the maximum SL you use? I don't want to risk more than 2% per trade, so...

Can you or other people using RAS signals reccommend a broker?


Hi Rac,

Before suscribing at your signal first because you teach people how to trade (a different approch to EA signals), I want to know what you mean by RDB and RTL (are they two different methods?). In the presentation you've stated your risks are about 200-300 pips, but as I saw in the closed trades in february, one on GBPJPY was 497 pips loss. So what is the maximum SL you use? I don't want to risk more than 2% per trade, so...

Can you or other people using RAS signals reccommend a broker?


hi ladriana20,

I wouldn't use the word teaching .... That's a big word and If I told you, I do, that would be straight out lie.

What I do? I allow members to 'get inside my head' occasionally. I post about 80% of my positions (including swing trades) in addition to those on RAS and give my thoughts on the markets from time to time. I might also mention trades before I post them on RAS and hint about stops and potential targets. I can't really tell you if (at all) and/or how valuable this information is for members. Perhaps, some longer term member can post his/her input/observation here. I would really appreciate it.

Stops? Max stop I would use is around 380pips for a swing trade, but I also use 50pips stop. It all depends on individual trades. I try to set them up within hour or so after placing a trade.

G/J trade in February was a disastrous mistake. It was really terrible mistake on my part, when I initiated a trade and set a stop, or at least I thought I did. The truth is I never confirmed the stop, hence it was never set. When US session opened.....

Subscribing or not is really your decision. I've been present on RAS only for about 3 months, so I wouldn't say that's long enough to made an educated decision. I only aim fro 300pips a month and when you look at some other systems on RAS, they do much, much better. Some of them gained 8000 pips. You have do do your own DD and then make a decision.

Trading is simple, but most traders fail because they can't stand the pressure once trades goes against them. You can read some of my posts on FF, to see how I did it over the years. Some people found it useful, some called it crap, which is fine. They don't pay my bills....

Take care and many pips.



rdb&rtl is simply a name given to a combination of two systems. A portion of it was available some time ago an james16group website, but due to members not following gentleman's rules, I pulled them off.


Hi rac,

Thank you for your honest reply. I've read you have trades at BE or BE+1. What broker do you use for RAS signals. The reason I'am asking is I have already a live account at a broker with fixed, but larger spreads (fxsol uk) and I want ot be sure whether or not to open another account for your signals at a broker with lower spreads, so your BE trades not be a loss for me.

hi ladriana20,

I wouldn't use the word teaching .... That's a big word and If I told you, I do, that would be straight out lie.

What I do? I allow members to 'get inside my head' occasionally. I post about 80% of my positions (including swing trades) in addition to those on RAS and give my thoughts on the markets from time to time. I might also mention trades before I post them on RAS and hint about stops and potential targets. I can't really tell you if (at all) and/or how valuable this information is for members. Perhaps, some longer term member can post his/her input/observation here. I would really appreciate it.

Stops? Max stop I would use is around 380pips for a swing trade, but I also use 50pips stop. It all depends on individual trades. I try to set them up within hour or so after placing a trade.

G/J trade in February was a disastrous mistake. It was really terrible mistake on my part, when I initiated a trade and set a stop, or at least I thought I did. The truth is I never confirmed the stop, hence it was never set. When US session opened.....

Subscribing or not is really your decision. I've been present on RAS only for about 3 months, so I wouldn't say that's long enough to made an educated decision. I only aim fro 300pips a month and when you look at some other systems on RAS, they do much, much better. Some of them gained 8000 pips. You have do do your own DD and then make a decision.

Trading is simple, but most traders fail because they can't stand the pressure once trades goes against them. You can read some of my posts on FF, to see how I did it over the years. Some people found it useful, some called it crap, which is fine. They don't pay my bills....

Take care and many pips.



rdb&rtl is simply a name given to a combination of two systems. A portion of it was available some time ago an james16group website, but due to members not following gentleman's rules, I pulled them off.

Ok, I'll comment with my thoughts.

Personally I find the comments made by RAC helpfull. But it will depend on what you want from the signals (apart from growth in balance over the long term). If all you want is signals and not to learn more about trading yourself then at the very least the fact that RAC has a seperate group for subscribers where he states what trades he will be doing, targets, profit levels and general market thoughts gives you confidence that he knows what he's talking about and has a trading plan and methodology.

If you are learning to be a trader then obviously as well as long term account growth you also have an experienced trader to ask questions and learn off as well.

Just my thoughts


Ok, I'll comment with my thoughts.

Personally I find the comments made by RAC helpfull. But it will depend on what you want from the signals (apart from growth in balance over the long term). If all you want is signals and not to learn more about trading yourself then at the very least the fact that RAC has a seperate group for subscribers where he states what trades he will be doing, targets, profit levels and general market thoughts gives you confidence that he knows what he's talking about and has a trading plan and methodology.

If you are learning to be a trader then obviously as well as long term account growth you also have an experienced trader to ask questions and learn off as well.

Just my thoughts

Since I know Rac from FF, this is the reason would prefer his signal combined with his view on the market over the other EA signals (even if with more weekly pips). Actually, I am not interested in the signal by itself (at least it will cover the subscription fee), but in his insights as a experienced trader. Thanks for your thoughts, lovejoy80.

Ok, I'll comment with my thoughts. Personally I find ....

Thank you lovejoy for your comments.