What do you want in a new Forex informational Website? - page 4


actually i have visited this website before and i liked the info provided by it...go and have alook maybe u can get somthing new to ur website



Join Our Forex Experiment!

I am running a Forex experiment to see if a large group of people can accurately guess the future forex price movement. This experiment will be a benefit to all.

The premise is based on the scientific observation that mobs of people are capable of producing an average answer to a query that is very close to the actual answer. This is true even though any given individual may be very far off. So I figure what we need to do is get a lot of people to simply take a look at a naked chart and guess what it will do in the next four hours!

We then take the average answer and make a trade on a demo account. We will be able to track the results of the experiment and if proven profitable anyone participating would be able to reep the results even though their own answer was likely incorrect.

To participate simply join here: (free)

Collective Intelligance applied to finanical markets | The Point

We are looking for 1000 participants for the initial experiment.



Collective intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Wisdom of Crowds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Collaborative filtering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All levels of Forex knowledge welcome.


H-e-u-r-i-s-t-i-c vs fuzzy crowd logic

more of a religion experiment -- cosmo, what is THIS MONTH FASHION collections

if these 1000 people say (majority) tomorrow the grass will be Greener

(more green)

they don't listen to the weather forecast and see whether the naked eye will able to determine the grass is more green (opposite is more white) than yesterday

These group of EXIT POLL people will able to TELL

---- but I understand what you try to say too -- will investment bank and top forex brokers trader able to consistent outperform , go along or go against the crowd vision == the answer is found already, it must be

if you are intellectual enough -- you could ask further refined Q

and get the answer

pure technical analysis is necessary or forex is a one-wheel bike , only 25% able to ride it, and about 8% could ride it well , let's say, the seat is just 1M above a dry swimming pool

the statistical correctness is simply, around half your BUY will be cancel out by the other half SELL in flat day

but if there is any OUTSTANDING, then the top broker on trading floor need to make Judgement call and go along with that outstanding buy / sell -- to hedge against the risk that the investment bank may hold : this explain the hardest Q in forex -- "momentum"

remember when we are younger , we learn 2 thing

put the color in black and green color book , within the perimeter

HCF that we learn in primary school maths - when we learn fraction i.e. a/b x c/d

so my simple idea on forex is determine the HCF of the possible localise perimeter -- will I trade it -- NOT THIS IDEA , lol


Most people would be interested to know some Profitable strategy from your website.

Maybe can ask people to share profitable strategy on your website. But before posting it, you verify the strategy by yourself first (to avoid Advertisors or Spammers).

Not sure if this is workable for you... it is tedious process but surely add a lot of values to your website visitors.

Just my opinion.



I know it's been a few months since I posted a new update, but I've got some great features in mind for Tinkerer. The general layout is now 100% done. All that's left to do is to link up all my pages and polish off the PHP. The site will be live within 2 weeks!

It feels great to finally get this thing off the ground. This is going to be the site that I wish had been around when I was first starting out around 6 years ago. It's going to give opportunity to every type of trader.

It's going to be a resource for those who are just starting out, as well as those with expertise who want a chance to either give back to the community, or profit from their knowledge.

Bookmark this thread for more updates. Lots will be coming in the days to come.


The thing I want most from a for education site is break downs of trading systems and why or why not a trading system is profitable. There are infinite ways to trade forex, but they're not all correct.


Gap History

what exactly you would want in a website? What would keep you coming back? What would you find useful and worth visiting for?

Hello Cyclesurfer,

What would be great IMO would be historical data on weekend gaps for major pairs. Statistical examples would include, percentage of time it took to close gap, percentage of gap measured by pips, and the accuracy percentage of if gap closed or not.

This might be asking too much I understand, since I have looked and looked and yet to find. But it would definately keep everyone in my village, including myself, coming back for more each week!

Thanks my friend,

FROM: Kinjaheed


Sometimes it is hard to find the information you are realy interested in, if all things can be visually more available (i mean when you look at screen you can immidiatly see neccessary things) , because there are too much useless stuffs