What do you want in a new Forex informational Website?


I'm in the process of creating a Forex website that will serve you guys as a source of useful information. I have a good number of features in mind already but I want your feedback as to what exactly you would want in a website? What would keep you coming back? What would you find useful and worth visiting for? I'm not talking about a service..this is not a membership site..the site would offer free info and insights in a new way.



if you are making a forex website you should look for KEY WORDS, this help you on you google rangking, stuff like FOREX COMMODITES ect ect, a good example of Bloomberg.com anf Forex Street. The Foreign Exchange Market and Forex | Forex Trading | Currency Trading | Forex Brokers



I'm in the process of creating a Forex website that will serve you guys as a source of useful information. I have a good number of features in mind already but I want your feedback as to what exactly you would want in a website? What would keep you coming back? What would you find useful and worth visiting for? I'm not talking about a service..this is not a membership site..the site would offer free info and insights in a new way.

mate are you makign a website, if so can you share the linkw ith me be much appriciated

mate are you makign a website, if so can you share the linkw ith me be much appriciated

I am, yes. I'm still working on the CSS so it's not ready to go yet but I'll PM u when it's up.

It will be fully informational, no spam, no affiliate links. Featuring a Meta Search of all of the major forex forums and other useful features.



expletive language


Maybe it would be wise to put a live pricefeed box onto your website? that's always usefull.

Maybe it would be wise to put a live pricefeed box onto your website? that's always usefull.

Thanks .

Would you guys find scam alerts helpful?

Like...if you can click a link and see all of the Forex product scams floating around?

Thanks .

Would you guys find scam alerts helpful?

Like...if you can click a link and see all of the Forex product scams floating around?

This would be interesting, but then you'll need to do allot of background checks in order to see if the products are scams or not.

expletive language

Could you elaborate?




Maybe you can do reviews thingy, or tutorial?


Trading method(s) that actually work.