Trading System by Xard777 - page 318

Hello Xard777

Can you please check if your MT4 freezes if change to the weekly time frame ?

My MT4 freezes as I change to weekly. Any else having this problem?



Try downloading a fresh copy of MT4 from your broker and install it, then unzip the alchemy files and copy them to the indicators and template folders. Restart your fresh copy of MT4 and select the alchemy template. it should all work in all TFs without freezing.

All the best



Here are examples of where to enter a trade from 15 min trading charts today.

I hope this gives you an idea on how best to use this system.

The same strategy can be used on 1hr and 4hr TFs as well.

All the best


NWFstudent. Ofcourse..... You Can't Do That! That would mean breaking the rules.

That's why there are rules so not to break them. Sure if you see the Stochastics sloping down you think it could be a down entry and if you enter you may get in early. But then it goes against you. Then what? How do you explain or try to figure a way to work around that.

The whole point here is to wait till trend is fully established as a down trend or up trend because your chances are better when you trade with the trend.

Now that being said. That's just the rules for this particular setup. There are many setups out there and a million and one ways to trade.

What you got to do is find out what works for you. Because what works for me may not work for Joe Smoe down the street and what works for Joe may not be right for you.

But when you do find what works for you. You gotta follow the rules. If you break your rules then your not trading. Your gambling. If you always break your rules then you won't ever make any money.

Then one day down the road you will see a trade stirring about and you will be like hey that's a nice looking bugger, but wait he's not where I need him to be before I take the shot. He's not with in my rules. Then the bugger steps in bounds of your rules that assures you, that you have a better kill shot. You get sight picture, and sight alignment. Take a breath exhale and ease the trigger back. And then take the shot.

And for the 1hr yes this is already setup for the 1hr. No changes need to be made except for maybe the fast stochastic histo. That can be adjusted to your preferences.

I for one when trading the 1hr make sure I trade towards or with in the 4hr.

But that's just me.


you can obvious see the trend direction change and which direction to trade in this example

Hi Ismael360

I just got insight into this beautiful setup. Now where can I find the indicators for it?

I would appreciate your help.


Hi Ismael360

I just got insight into this beautiful setup. Now where can I find the indicators for it?

I would appreciate your help.


You can find the Alchemy setup posted here:

Try downloading a fresh copy of MT4 from your broker and install it, then unzip the alchemy files and copy them to the indicators and template folders. Restart your fresh copy of MT4 and select the alchemy template. it should all work in all TFs without freezing.

All the best


Thank you Xard

Will give this a try



Perfect! Thanks


Dear XARD777,

You are doing a great job. Thanks friend!



am I right in thinking I don't have to look at the chart but just the buy/sell icon in the right corner? does that buy/sell icon tell me all I need to know or do I need to look at the chart also? I am referring to the latest xard alchemy v2.6.

any help appreciated.


Do you have a navi for your car, bike or hiking trip? Would you steer your car,bike or yourself by only looking on the navi? Xards systems are very good for beginners to get a feeling for forex, like swimmies make learning to swim fun and safe. See the buy/sell icon as recommendation for the first time. But: Why you see all these indicators on the chart when you'd only need a buy/sell icon? So the question must be: Do I need the buy/sell icon? When your answer is 'No', you're on a good way.


Here is ALCHEMY v2.8

