Trading System by Xard777 - page 73


bheurekso pattern

hi xard, when have time can you please add input to enlarge arrows and alert input ? thanks

mas brugal o brama lite!!!



Is that the Stochastic in 9/3/3?

Sorry to disturb you again, could you do me a favor to explain that two line indicator in pic 1 ? Thank you! GOOD LUCK!

Sorry to disturb you again, could you do me a favor to explain that two line indicator in pic 1 ? Thank you! GOOD LUCK!

Hi williamkkung, simply double click on the red line to highlight it then press delete button, it should not be there.

All the best



Hi Xard 777.

You are good expert in MQL.

If you need good EAs, mechanical sistems, indicators free, for

making best sistem please write to my email -


Hi Xard 777,I wanted to thank you for all your hard work you have done and the great version 102.

This system has made my christmas holiday very great.

happy holidays!!


Merry Christmas Everyone...

Here is Gann D2 Swing Chart Trading xmas present...


All the best & Merry Crimbo


Just unpak and copy templates & experts folders to your MT4 folder

restart MT4, change period to Daily chart

goto FILE top left of screen and choose OFFLINE

then select D2 chart

now choose template Gann D2 Swing Trading...TADAH


there are many kinds of SWING ( just like a swinging couple, how many types of swing that they could engage) ,or just like tornados , i.e. guessing the markets with your own tornado prediction

we crave for einstein without doing the sensation studies


DID you know -- how could we know GBP -- Geek Brat Pounds RISE or FALL during weekly trading

the only statistics that we can trust is from LSE (ps) london school of economic and political science

as the govt released figure is deeply massaged already

GEEK BRITAIN only got few profitable business -- that people SUPPOSIVELY working hard (other business are just service industry, i.e. driving company vehicles along A1 and M5 and call it a day)

one -- education

two -- accounting consultant

three -- pharamacy is an art of prologing side effect , not an science (NOTTIGHAM university quote from the pharmacy student internal leaflet from their head of dept)

EDUCATION -- basically, it dries up already

accounting -- virtually, it is just football player worthless NUMBER Game

pharmacy -- side effect -- you can discovered the truth in BRITISH NATIONAL FORMULARY book

therefore, despite what the government released figures quotes

GBP will rise , when

people coming to their education

business got NEW accounting practice that have to be compliance with the emerging european standard (but they are not in EURO or EU , that much , members are their hatred catchphrase in the BBC TV NEWS)

when will GBP fall -- for the week, not just for the day

post war medicine is just the art of prolonging side efffect for the SYMPTOMS (a cat try to catch it own tail) medication business -- only very limited depts are doing the SAINT work and got a KIND heart !


ANSWER -- when will british currency crumble -- X-file scandal on their top 4 accounting firm practices


Hello ...

Please Where can I find this indicator

Thank you

abc.gif  39 kb
Hello ...

Please Where can I find this indicator

Thank you

It will be here somewhere...

File received by fx.ayman




Thank you