Eurusd/gbpusd - page 561


later week no. 6087 was a short.......]

stop out 6045 tp1 42p

i post evrey morning , on monday once a week 2-4 no. gu& trade the same no. evrey day all week. the no. are signals for buy or sell.if the trend is up -touch the no.-buy, if the trend is down touch the no. -sell .the no. returun few times a week. i dont post real time signals ,you have to watch the week no. and act by the rules . ] good morning all. week no. eu 3667 ,3737, 3607 ,3677 . week no. gu 6165 ,6147, 6105 ,6087 . have a nice green week

week no. eu 3607 was a buy -..3621 tp 14p .

week no. eu 3607 was a buy -..3621 tp 14p .

and later week no. gu 3607 was a sell......

and later week no. gu 3607 was a sell......

stop out a t 3565 tp 42p


Could you please explain these signals and how can I use them?


Could you please explain these signals and how can I use them? Thanks

read posts 5605, 5608, thx

and later week no. gu 3607 was a sell......

from night week no. eu 3607 was a buy - 3654 tp47p

from night week no. eu 3607 was a buy - 3654 tp47p

laterweek no. 3607 was a short-3572 tp 35p. than week no. 3607 was a buy -3620 tp 13p

laterweek no. 3607 was a short-3572 tp 35p. than week no. 3607 was a buy -3620 tp 13p

and than again week no 3607 was short -3580 tp 27p

sl - 12-15p , or be, or change possision . tp 1 20-30p, tp2 30-60p, tp3 60-100p , tp4 100+ ( olso tp,or enter possion +- 6-9p)

week no gu 6087 (+- 6-9p) so sell was at 6080 -6045 tp 35 p