Eurusd/gbpusd - page 565

i post evrey morning , on monday once a week 2-4 no. gu& trade the same no. evrey day all week. the no. are signals for buy or sell.if the trend is up -touch the no.-buy, if the trend is down touch the no. -sell .the no. returun few times a week. i dont post real time signals ,you have to watch the week no. and act by the rules . ] good morning all. week no. eu 3667 ,3737, 3607 ,3677 . week no. gu 6165 ,6147, 6105 ,6087 . have a nice green week

from morning week no. 3607 (again..........)was a buy, olso 3667-3715 tp1 108p !!!!!!!!!

AVI what times do you usually post your signal? Because im always late to watch your signal. I think your signals is accurate,

the system based only of no.!!! and next week ill post new signal no. call "d.m.n "(day middle no.) explain next week thx

look at gu , low was 5838 and the price returun to the low of week no. predict 6087!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as i post, i dont post real time signals ,you have the week no. from monday all the week and you have to stick to the rules and trade real time, thx

the trend was down on gu, week no. 6087was a sell -6062 tp1 25p


(QUOTE=avi1;377079]the trend was down on gu, week no. 6087was a sell -6062 tp1 25p

and again week no. 6087was short....-6040 tp 47p

from morning week no. 3607 (again..........)was a buy, olso 3667-3715 tp1 108p !!!!!!!!!

im still in possion week no. 3667- 3731 tp2 64p(sorry but tsd server is bussy)


QUOTE=avi1;377087](QUOTE=avi1;377079]the trend was down on gu, week no. 6087was a sell -6062 tp1 25p

and again week no. 6087was short....-6040 tp 47p

and again week no. 6087 short -6049 tp 38p

high was 3610, week no. 3607=sell, you can olso stick tothe rule +- 6-9 p for enter

high was 3730, week no. 3737+-6-9p= sell 3728.......

high was 3730, week no. 3737+-6-9p= sell 3728.......

stop out 3684 tp 44p

i post evrey morning , on monday once a week 2-4 no. gu& trade the same no. evrey day all week. the no. are signals for buy or sell.if the trend is up -touch the no.-buy, if the trend is down touch the no. -sell .the no. returun few times a week. i dont post real time signals ,you have to watch the week no. and act by the rules . ] good morning all. week no. eu 3667 ,3737, 3607 ,3677 . week no. gu 6165 ,6147, 6105 ,6087 . have a nice green week

week no. 3677, 3667 was a sell- 3648 tp1 29p, tp 19p

week no. 3677, 3667 was a sell- 3648 tp1 29p, tp 19p

again week no. 3677, 3667 was ashort - 3646 tp1 31p, tp1 21p