Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1434


Resistance is holding. New support in forming. Now lets wait the FEDs "to taper or not to taper" decision and the we shall see a long term trend confirmation (bullish trend) or change (which is not likely at all)

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Resistance is holding. New support in forming. Now lets wait the FEDs "to taper or not to taper" decision and the we shall see a long term trend confirmation (bullish trend) or change (which is not likely at all)

Guess that s what market thinks about FED taper


All as usual. Trend is bullish and the market is clearly saying that FED news are already being priced in. The market decided that there are no surprises

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Nothing is going to change before FOMC statement. Whatever the opinion of FED taper one has nobody can risk - because of the last FED misleading (fraud) that they will taper


Waiting for a new support line confirmation. The confirmation will not happen before tomorrow FOMC statement (only then it will be clear if it is a support line or not)

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Seems that there is no need to wait tomorrow. From what is happening the market already decided what is going to happen tomorrow and it is being priced in already. The new bullish channel has all the expected attributes (the average range width as well as the bullish expected slope)

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Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(12/16/2013)

have a nice green week! () no one has ever lost by taking profit

week no.

eu--3704, 3709, 3721, 3764, 3769, 3781, gu--6262, 6271, 6277, 6322, 6331, 6337


week no. gu---6331, 6322, 6277, 6271, 6262, was signal sell----6224 tp1 107p!!!!!!!!!!, tp2 98p !!!!!!!!!!, tp3 53p, tp4 47p, tp5 38p

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(12/16/2013)

have a nice green week! () no one has ever lost by taking profit

week no.

eu--3704, 3709, 3721, 3764, 3769, 3781, gu--6262, 6271, 6277, 6322, 6331, 6337

() ()

week no. eu-3721, 3764 was signal buy----3773 tp1 52p, tp2 9p

Week no. are signals buy/ sell,trade week no. same no. all the week,every day ,24-h,5-days,trade with the trend -no indictors ,only week no.enter on week no.posted once a week on monday for all the week. use week no. as enter trade point.,news is just event that can speed up or down the price movment

rules:enter olso( +-)6-9p,or week no.

week no.(12/16/2013)

have a nice green week! () no one has ever lost by taking profit

week no.

eu--3704, 3709, 3721, 3764, 3769, 3781, gu--6262, 6271, 6277, 6322, 6331, 6337

week no. 6271, 6277 was signal buy----


"D day" for FED. And a guess : no taper