Eurusd/gbpusd - page 1605


Today US pending home sales might move it a bit


They started even without news for USD or Euro

For US pending home sales we have to wait 1.5 hour more


Pavlov's reflex


Frontrunning started. And they tell that there is no information leak any more


US pending home sales best in last eight months - Euro does not fall

If we want signs - here it is


No volume. Easy to push it up


Market makers decided that only interest rates matter - no other fundamental. And money printing, of course, but nobody can beat FED in money printing right now


Guys, Euro is above the level it was when ECB introduced their measures. The whole package was worthless - it took less than a month to revert. 1.4 does not seem like a fiction any more


you are right man , i agree with you.


Now we can wait Thursday in peace : Dragi is going to lie again since the Germans did not tell him to to start with QE. That will be amusing