Eurusd/gbpusd - page 109


Seriously, how many of you guys even post when you have a loser?

ANy views on whether this upsurge will continue?

It's very quiet. Which means big profits?

Kenny Rogers:
First of all, I had to do a double take on the page count on this thread, and when it was started. I'm impressed, this is like a chatroom.

Anyways, just some words of advice, yeah I know, there is so much advice given out that it usually goes in one ear and out the other. But as you said, you've been in this game for 5 years, and you finally come to the realization that the Market is mostly unpredictable (most "traders" can't accept this and continue their quest for the Holy Grail). Trust me, that is a big step to become a successful trader. I had come to the same realization before...I had to swallow my pride, and said to myself, "I don't know jack about how the Market is going to move". So I started my trading philosphy from scratch, and said that I must conform to the Market...and Market will not conform to me.

Patterns work and don't work because it is what it is. A successful trader builds a plan around the pattern and executes the plan LONG TERM. They understand that patterns do not work all the time. They build a long term strategy with positive RR ratio around the pattern/market, and they analyze how the pattern is traded over a statistically valid number of trades...they trade their plan and trade it consistently. I'm not saying patterns work or don't work (I have no idea what a Gartley pattern is, neither does the Market, but if enough investors trade it, then it works, if they don't...then it doesn't work, a pattern looks like a butterfly in one timeframe and looks like cow dung in another), but the important part is that successful traders has this kind of plan and thinking instead of where is the next crystal ball indicator.

nice first post mate - and all very true!! cheers


Seriously, how many of you guys even post when you have a loser?

ANy views on whether this upsurge will continue?

It's very quiet. Which means big profits?

Still bearish on 15min... - not taking any trades again til I get new signal.

back to the wall tho I would be short....

Still bearish on 15min... - not taking any trades again til I get new signal. back to the wall tho I would be short....

Thank you. I'm addicted to watching the market! I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. That's quite a bounce off the 4159 level.

Thank you. I'm addicted to watching the market! I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. That's quite a bounce off the 4159 level.

I get like that too - thats when I go for a run and switch computer off (when i'm at home) or take my little un out somewhere nice.

Thank you. I'm addicted to watching the market! I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing. That's quite a bounce off the 4159 level.

4212 is a level to watch too imo


4212 is a level to watch too imo Gaz

Weekly R1 is at


IMARCHI, where is AtLast? I haven't seen his posts on FF much recently.

Anyway, guys. 'm going to relax and rub my war wounds. I hope you have made more than me today and look forward to pipping tomorrow.


IMARCHI, where is AtLast? I haven't seen his posts on FF much recently.

haven't been on there today but I did see him on there last week....maybe he's fed up with it too? was that why you left it out of interest?

haven't been on there today but I did see him on there last week....maybe he's fed up with it too? was that why you left it out of interest?

1. Too much politics. New members vs old members.

2. I couldn't get a balance between trading and typing messages.

3. There were only a couple of folks (Gator & AtLast) in all the noise but that doesn't invalidate other good analysis but it was hard to see through all the noise.

In all honesty I should really focus on my charts rather than typing messages but trading at home would be so bloody boring if I didn't. It seems like we are getting a very good team in here and that pleases me. I do rant when plans and executions go tits up but I'm a heart on my sleeve type so you'll have to forgive that.

P.S. I know I wasn't supposed to but (and after sitting on my hands when the price hit the daily PL) I had to take the short at 4205 (just below the weekly R1) and got out at 4182. SL 5 and double the position size so - even though I am a shamed for breaking my rule - I have actually hit my monetary target! Shame on me! See you tomorrow.

PPS. Don't forget to PM me about going live etc.