My Forex Prediction using Advanced GET - page 87


alow evryone

can some one help me please me already download get part1-7

but at part 8 canot downdload becouse the file doesnt exist can some one help me please

i want try this stuff i think this is great

sory if my english is bad

alow evryone

can some one help me please me already download get part1-7

but at part 8 canot downdload becouse the file doesnt exist can some one help me please

i want try this stuff i think this is great

sory if my english is bad

Hi, herry:

We have all tried what you are now trying to do and end up with part08 as a deadend. It simply does not work.

And assuming you and I are able to download a REALTIME GET, where are we going to get the realtime datafeed to GET. Esignal is the data vendor for realtime datafeed and are we prepared to pay for their services?

So, in the end it is a deadend.

I suggest you use an EOD GET like most of us are using and at the same time do a Google Search for Elwave software. Have both softwares. Once you have done that, and if you want further help on how to get GET and Elwave working, drop a note here for GET and if you want to know more about Elwave, go to the thread Modern Elliott Wave Trading Using Elwave under Harmonic Tradng. There will be assistance.

Btw, don't worry about our English. This is not an English tuition forum. It is all about forex, and I understand what you mean - that will be good enough for all.




My Transaction for Today (Dec 07, 2009) - EURJPY

Today I SHORT EURJPY at 133.57 at GMT 10:01 and Bought back at 133.07 at GMT 10:38, making a gain of 50 pips or US$556.05 on 1 Lot within 37 minutes.

Attached is a doc file showing details of the trade.

I am more relaxed now as I do not have to do any postings in the morning and makes it more relaxing for me to go through my portfolio to look for trading opportunities without any undue pressure.


No Wave 3s from GET

Again there is no currency pairs in my portfolio which displays a Wave 3 pattern.

Someone said to me Xmas and New Year festival will soon be around. Trading may be subdued.

I have now reduced my portfolio to a more manageable size for myself. These are AUDJPY, EURJPY, EURUSD, GBPJPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF and USDJPY.

When I have the time, I try to take a look at Elwave and if there is anything, I shall post it in Modern Elliott Wave Trading Using Elwave. Using Elwave is more time consuming as it takes the software a while to analyze each currency pair. It is much easier to use Get.



My Trade for Today, Tue, Dec 08, 2009 - GBPJPY

Today made another 53 pips - this time from shorting GBPJPY.

At Gmt 03:01 Sold at 146.64 and Bought back at Gmt 07:22 at 146.11 making a gain of 53 pips or US$596.57 in 4 hours 21 minutes.

Attached is the doc file containing details of the transaction.

My style of trading is: As a day trader, my Target Profit is rather modest: 30-60 pips per trade. Once I achieve this objective, I will close my trade. No point to hang around. Money in your pocket is better than money out in the streets.



Today's Chart for GBPJPY

Attached is an Elwave chart showing GBPJPY was in Wave 3 Down pattern.

I believe Kenneth was also using Elwave to pinpoint his trading opportunities.At time of writing, it has gone down further to 145.10;



Day Trading and Position Trading

I was monitoring closely what Kenneth was trading for the last 2 days.

Starting with yesterday, Mon, Dec. 08, he SHORT EURJPY at 133.57 and today at time of writing, it is 130.49 giving a gain of 308 pips.

And today he SHORT GBPJPY at 146.64 and at time of writing it is 144.05 giving a gain of 259 pips.

Because he is a day trader, he was content with the 30-60 pips per trade.

“Let the market run its full course” is an advice for Position Traders, and once the trend continues, good gains will definitely be made – there is no doubt about it and if we choose, we can brag a little about it. And if the trend turns against us, we lie low. That is trading life.

For me, an order size of 0.1 lot will be good enough to trade as a position trader, so even if I lose 200 pips it will only be US$200.00 which is bearable, considering the potential gain I can make provided the trend continues.



This week trading is christmas gift for most of us i guess! As pips is coming in easy. I am trading live and i am in the black and it feel great! So let's brag a bit! It just feels good.

From my portfolio of 8 currency pairs, I found GBPUSD displays a Wave 3 Down in progress under GET's Original and Short Term settings.

Attached is GET's chart for GU.

In its favor, we see yesterday's Daily Bar penetrating the Minor support line (in blue) confirming its weak position.

On the other hand, there are only 2 GET's settings (Original and Short term) which supports the formation.

Later when I have the time, I will go through Elwave to scan whether there are any tradeable patterns, and shall post accordingly in this thread and in GY's thread.


what version of the software do you think we need?

I assume its EOD