Pollan's indicators - page 85


Take a close look at it : it is a high / low channel shifted to the past (left)

One more repainting - it will have to repaint the shifted part from the right. Allo arrows are totally inconsistent - at places when they should be there are none - probably placed there manually


Yes my friend there is very little repaint problem at my new indi but ı use it together with another one nonrepaint indi.

Is not a problem to me this way.

regards to all friends



SP500 F weekly

this is non- repaint indicator


weekly SP500

DAX is approaching the end of the road.

I'm using a number system in the world. Nobody could give sales from the peak in world stock markets. My first person in the world who sell signal. This is a great achievement for me.

Good luck everyone




You mean you are selling signals?

Based on what?


Borsa , index yorumları ve makro ekonomik gelişmeler 2 - Page 356

güner, I watched you for a while on this site. Turkey is the proud and honorable people. are never not a liar. You're constantly playing with indicator values ​​and then shows the signal which are not. As essam said your indicator is repaint, empty, fake, scam and a liar. A relative told me that the site is already the site of a liar. I'm sorry your not a Turk.

be busy with the real things, not dreams



Borsa , index yorumları ve makro ekonomik gelişmeler 2 - Page 356

güner, I watched you for a while on this site. Turkey is the proud and honorable people. are never not a liar. You're constantly playing with indicator values ​​and then shows the signal which are not. As essam said your indicator is repaint, empty, fake, scam and a liar. A relative told me that the site is already the site of a liar. I'm sorry your not a Turk.

be busy with the real things, not dreams



essamın ne dediği hiç umurumda değil.

cci gibi çok kıvrık bir indikatörden al sat sinyali üretmek kolaymı zannediyorsun,indikatörün üzerinde oynamam o yüzden.

sonra bu sistem eski çizgilerini yeniden hesaplıyor.insanların repaint dediği bu.

fakat bu indikatör sinyal calculasyonunu son bar da yapıyor.

eski çizgilerini ne yaptığını değil,son barlardaki sinyalinin ne olduğuna bakmak lazım.

ayrıca bu pollan formülü ile de daha benden başka kimse ortaya pollan çizgilerine benzer bir sinyal -indikatör çıkarabilmiş değil.

bunun Türklükle alakasını arıyorsan buraya bak.

sonra burası pollan indikatörünün tartışıldığı bir topik,insanların bu indikatör üzerinde çalışmalarını burada paylaşmalarında ne sakınca var.

ve bunun Türklükle ne alakası var.


sorry sir Mladen it is difficult to write this all in english.




karşında çocukmu var kandırıyosun sahtekar???

this indi is scammer