Intraday trading signal - page 47


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 17 Aug 2011 05:46 GMT

Rate : 1.4403

Although euro has retreated after intra-day

rebound fm 1.4354 to 1.4417, as long as 1.4381

holds, another rise to 1.4426/30 n then 1.4450 is

likely, however, strg res area at 1.4473/77 shud

cap upside n yield retreat later.

Buy on dips with stop as indicated, break wud

risk another pullback to 1.4354 sup.

Range Forecast

1.4385 / 1.4417


R: 1.4426/1.4454/1.4477

S: 1.4381/1.4354/1.4329

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AUD/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


AUD/USD : 1.0475

Last Update At 18 Aug 2011 08:07 GMT

Despite aud's brief breach of 1.0472, lack of

strong follow-through selling n present recovery fm

1.0462 suggests consolidation abv there is in store

n gain to 1.0495/00 is seen, however, break of 1.05

10/12 needed to suggest an intra-day low made.

Exit short n stand aside as below 1.0462 is

needed to extend fall fm 1.0601 twd 1.0407 later.

Range Forecast

1.0450 / 1.0490


R: 1.0558/1.0571/1.0601

S: 1.0462/1.0407/1.0360

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 19 Aug 2011 07:48 GMT

Rate : 1.4265

Current cross-inspired weakness suggests decline

fm this week's high of 1.4518 to retrace recent

upmove fm 1.4055 has resumed n further weakness to

1.4250 is likely but reckon 1.4232 wud contain

downside n yield rebound later.

Sell on recovery with stop as indicated n only

abv 1.4328 wud risk gain to 1.4347.

Range Forecast

1.4250 / 1.4290


R: 1.4347/1.4381/1.4424

S: 1.4232/1.4212/1.4150

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 22 Aug 2011 05:56 GMT

Rate : 1.4368

Euro has remained under pressure after marginal

weakness to 1.4358, suggesting caution on our long

n said sup needs to hold for prospect of a rebound

to 1.4393, abv wud signal pullback fm Friday's high

of 1.4453 has ended n yield gain to 1.4415/20.

Hold long n only below 1.4345 risks stronger

retrace. of Fri's rise fm 1.4259 to 1.4310/15.

Range Forecast

1.4365 / 1.4390


R: 1.4415/1.4453/1.4477

S: 1.4358/1.4345/1.4310

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


Daily FX Market Outlook by AceTrader-23-8-2011

Market Review - 22/08/2011 22:00 GMT

Euro retreats on risk aversion

The single currency pared its early gain Monday on risk aversion due to the retreat of U.S. equities. Investors are focusing on the August 26 conference in Jackson Hole by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke who may indicate the Fed will increase monetary stimulus to boost the economy.

Despite euro's brief rise to 1.4393 in Asia, the single currency edged lower to an intra-day low of 1.4347 before surging to 1.4434 on the rally in European equities together with cross buying of euro. However, the pair pared most of its gains and fell to 1.4366 in NY morning as U.S. stocks retreated together with cross selling of euro vs jpy and chf and then dropped further to 1.4356 ahead of NY closing

DJI opened up by more than 1%, however, it pared its initial gain and closed the day at 10854.56, up by 37.00 points or 0.34%. FTSE-100, CAC-40 and DAX once rallied by more than 2% but they later retreated and eventually closed up by 1.08%, 1.14%, and down by 0.11% respectively.

Versus the Japanese yen, the greenback rose to 76.87 in New Zealand following Sunday's comments by a senior Japanese government official, who said that there is no change in Japan's stance of taking decisive action in the currency market depending on market's developments. Despite dollar's retreat to 76.57 in Asian morning, the pair spiked to 77.21 on speculation of possible intervention from Bank of Japan but price came off quickly and then traded around 76.80 in European and NY sessions.

Although the British pound traded sideways in Asia after last Friday's selloff from 3-month high of 1.6618 to 1.6456 and then rose to 1.6522 in NY morning, cable fell in tandem with euro to 1.6435 before recovering to 1.6489 in NY afternoon due to cross buying of gbp vs euro.

Data to be released on Tuesday include:

China HSBC flash manufacturing PMI, Japan Machine tools orders, Swiss Trade balance (chf), Germany Manufacturing PMI, Services PMI, ZEW Economic Sentiment, ZEW Current Situation, EU Manufacturing PMI, Services PMI, ZEW economic sentiment, Consumer Sentiment, U.K. BBA Mortgage Approvals, CBI Orders, Canada Retail sales, U.S. New home sales, Richmond Fed Manufacturing.

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 23 Aug 2011 05:51 GMT

Rate : 1.4382

Despite euro's rebound fm 1.4355 (AUS) to 1.4391

after China PMI, subsequent retreat suggests choppy

consolidation with downside bias remains, however,

below y'day's 1.4347 low needed to extend erratic

decline fm 1.4453 to 1.4325/30.

Trade fm short side n only abv 1.4400/05 may

risk stronger gain to 1.4425/30.

Range Forecast

1.4355 / 1.4391


R: 1.4405/1.4434/1.4453

S: 1.4347/1.4316/1.4271

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 25 Aug 2011 06:40 GMT

Rate : 1.4430

Despite euro's selloff fm y'day's high of 1.4482

to 1.4389 in NY session, intra-day rebound fm Asian

low of 1.4390 suggests further 'choppy' sideways

move wud continue n recovery to 1.4430/40 is likely

b4 prospect of another retreat later.

For st trade, buy dips for 1.4430 or sell there

for 1.4390. Below 1.4376 wud extend twd 1.4347.

Range Forecast

1.4390 / 1.4421


R: 1.4428/1.4447/1.4482

S: 1.4376/1.4347/1.4305

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


AUD/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


AUD/USD : 1.0470

Last Update At 25 Aug 2011 07:48 GMT

Aud's present rebound after holding abv Asian

low of 1.0429 suggests an intra-day low has been

formed there n consolidation with upside bias is

seen for gain to 1.0481, however, break is needed

to signal pullback fm Tue's 1.0535 ended, 1.0523.

On the downside, below 1.0440/45 wud prolong

choppy trading n may yield re-test of said sup.

Range Forecast

1.0455 / 1.0480


R: 1.0483/1.0523/1.0535

S: 1.0429/1.0399/1.0363

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


EUR/USD Intra-day signal by AceTrader


Last Update At 26 Aug 2011 07:40 GMT

Rate : 1.4435

Although euro has retreated after intra-day strg

rebound to 1.4450 n sideways trading wud be seen,

as long as 1.4398 holds, upside bias remains for

the rise fm y'day's low of 1.4328 to extend gain to

1.4457 res, abv enourage for re-test of 1.4500.

Buy on dips with stop as indicated n only below

1.4389 wud risk stronger pullback to 1.4369.

Range Forecast

1.4420 / 1.4450


R: 1.4457/1.4482/1.4500

S: 1.4389/1.4369/1.4328

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies


USD/JPY Intra-day signal by AceTrader


USD/JPY : 76.93

Last Update At 29 Aug 2011 23:10 GMT

Although dlr's retreat fm NY high at 77.02 sug-

gests initial sideways trading is in store in Tokyo

morning, as y'day's rebound fm 76.58 signals upside

bias remains for re-test of 77.07 (Fri's NY high),

break wud encourage for gain twd 77.27 later.

Buy on dips for 77.05 1st n only below near term

good sup at 76.47/50 aborts bullishness on dlr.

Range Forecast

76.75 / 77.00


R: 77.07 / 77.27 / 77.47

S: 76.47 / 76.25 / 75.95

AceTrader - Best Intra-day Forex Trading Strategies