Intraday trading signal - page 52


*** AceTradeFx Aug 2 : Daily Outlook on Asian Exotics USD/IDR ***


02 Aug 2013 01:42GMT

As usd continues to ratchet higher, suggesting

LT rise fm 8455 remains in force n further gain to

10295/00 is seen b4 prospect of retreat.

Hold long with stop as indicated n only below

10150 signals a temp. top is made, risk 10070.

STRATEGY : Long at 10255

POSITION : Long at 10255


STOP-LOSS : 10235

RES : 10300/10350/10400

SUP : 10150/10070/ 9950

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*** AceTraderfx : Market Review and data to be released today ***

Market Review - 03/08/2013 02:26GMT

Dollar falls broadly after payrolls miss estimate

The greenback tumbled against its major peers on Friday as the weak U.S. non-farm payrolls data showed tepid job growth dampened speculation that the Federal Reserve will reduce its size of asset purchases anytime soon.

Versus the Japanese yen, the greenback ratcheted higher from Asian low at 99.28 on continued rise in Japan's equities and climbed to intra-day high of 99.95 at New York open on active cross-selling of yen. However, the pair nose-dived to 98.91 after the release of weaker-than-expected U.S. non-farm payroll data and later hit session low at 98.66 after release of weak U.S. factory orders before staging a recovery in U.S. afternoon.

U.S. non-farm payrolls in July came in at 162K, lower than market expectation of 184K. However, unemployment rate in July decreased to 7.4%, better than street forecast of 7.5%. U.S. factory orders in June was 1.5%, worse than the forecast of 2.3%.

Despite euro's initial marginal weakness to 1.3190 in Asian morning, price staged a recovery to 1.3227 in Europe on short-covering before falling again to 1.3187 in New York morning. However, the pair rallied to 1.3285 after the release of the weak U.S. non-farm payroll and later reached session high of 1.3294 and then traded narrowly in U.S. afternoon.

Although the British pound dropped marginally below Thursday's low at 1.5110 to 1.5102 in Asian morning, the pair rebounded to 1.5179 in European morning after the release of stronger-than-expected U.K. construction PMI (57.0 versus the forecast of 51.5), price later pierced through Wednesday's top at 1.5254 to 1.5278 in New York morning on dollar's broad-based weakness and later climbed to 1.5310 before moving narrowly in U.S. afternoon.

On the data front, eurozone PPI in Jun came in at 0.0% m/m and 0.3% y/y, same as expectation. U.K. nationwide house prices in June came in at 0.8% m/m and 3.9% y/y, better than the forecast of 0.4% and 3.9%.

In other news, Fed's Bullard said 'hard to read too much into slight change in Fed's description of growth; still need to see pick up in growth, arithmetic getting harder and harder; Fed needs to see more data from H2 2013 b4 taking a decision on bond tapering; decision to taper asset purchases does not change nature of Fed commitment to hold rates near zero; some key measures of the U.S. labour market have improved since Sept but other measures have not; Fed would not normally remove policy accommodation when inflation is below target n projected to stay there.'

Data to be released next week :

Australia retail sales, China HSBC service PMI, Italy Service PMI, France Service PMI, Germany Service PMI, U.K. Service PMI, EU Service PMI, investor confidence, retail sales, U.S. ISM non-manufacturing PMI on Monday. Financial markets in Australia and Canada will closed for holiday.

Australia trade balance, house price index, rate decision, Japan leading indicators, U.K. BRC retail sales, industrial production, manufacturing production, Italy industrial production, GDP, Germany factory orders, Canada trade balance, import, export, U.S. trade balance, retail sales on Tuesday.

New Zealand unemployment rate, employment change, Australia home loans, Germany industrial production, France trade balance, U.K. employment confidence, Canada building permits, PMI, on Wednesday.

Australia employment change, unemployment rate, Japan rate decision, current account, economic watch DI, China trade balance, import, export, Germany trade balance, import, export, current account, Canada new housing price index, U.S. jobless claims on Thursday.

Japan tertiary industry index, consumer confidence, China CPI, PPI, industrial production, fixed asset invest urban, retail sales, France industrial production, manufacturing production, Italy trade balance, CPI, HICP, U.K. trade balance, Canada housing starts, unemployment rate, net change in unemployment, U.S. wholesale inventories, wholesale sales on Friday.


*** AceTraderfx : Market Review and data to be released today ***

Market Review - 05/08/2013 22:44GMT

Dollar falls vs yen on lowered expectation of Fed tapering

The greenback remained under pressure vs the yen and dropped further after the weaker-than-expected U.S. payrolls on Friday lowered expectations that the Federal Reserve would start tapering its bond purchases.

Although the greenback briefly rebounded to session high at 99.15 at Asian open, renewed selling knocked the pair lower in Asian morning and price dropped to 98.30 in European morning. Dollar pared intra-day losses and recovered ahead of New York open before rising briefly to 98.78 after the release of better-than-expected U.S. ISM non-manufacturing, however, price dropped to 98.18 near New York close.

U.S. non-manufacturing PMI in Jul came in at 56.0, much better than the forecast of 53.0.

The single currency remained under pressure in New Zealand and Australian sessions and retreated to 1.3263 in Asian morning, however, price staged a rebound ahead of European open and rose to session high at 1.3301 in European morning after the release of better-than-expected Italy and France services PMI. Intra-day weakness in eur/gbp checked euro's gains and pressured price lower to an intra-day low at 1.3233 in New York morning on cross selling of euro before rebounding to 1.3266 in New York afternoon.

Italy and France Service PMI in Jul came in at 48.7 and 49.1, better than the forecasts of 46.5 and 48.3 respectively.

The British pound was also under pressure in New Zealand and fell to session low at 1.5259 at Asian open, however, cross-buying of sterling vs euro pushed price higher and cable rose further to an intra-day high at 1.5380 after data showed UK services expanded at the fastest pace in six years in July. Later, price pared intra-day gains and retreated to 1.5320 in New York morning before stabilising.

U.K. Service PMI in July came in at 60.2, much better than the forecast of 57.2.

In other news, Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher said 'unless we see some disturbing data, we shud start trimming bond buying in September; I personally think wud have been dialing back on bond purchases some time ago; you don't get considered for the job of Fed chair unless you are high quality; next Fed chairman must be someone willing to do right, no matter what the cost.'

Data to be released on Tuesday:

Australia trade balance, house price index, RBA rate decision, Japan leading indicators, U.K. BRC retail sales, industrial production, manufacturing production, Italy industrial production, GDP, Germany factory orders, Canada trade balance, import, export, U.S. trade balance, retail sales.


AceTrader : Daily Outlook on Asian Exotics USD/KRW


06 Aug 2013 05:40GMT

Usd's breach of prev. low at 1113.6 suggests

fall fm last week's top at 1127.5 wud yield further

weakness but sup at 1108.7 wud remain intact.

Trade fm short side with stop as indicated, abv

wud signal a temp. low is made, 1119.3.

STRATEGY : Short at 1114.0

POSITION : Short at 1114.0

OBJECTIVE : 1110.0

STOP-LOSS : 1116.5

RES : 1116.0/1119.3/1122.4

SUP : 1108.7/1105.0/1100.0

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AceTraderfx Aug 7 : Dollar falls to 6-week low vs yen ahead of BoJ monetary meeting

Market Review - 06/08/2013 22:33GMT

Dollar falls to 6-week low vs yen ahead of BoJ monetary meeting

The greenback weakened broadly on Tuesday and continued its recent fall against the yen on speculation that the Bank of Japan will refrain from adding more stimulus at its 2-day policy meeting which begins on Wednesday.

Although the greenback staged a rebound from Asian morning low at 97.84 to session high at 98.59 at European open on cross selling of yen versus other currencies, renewed selling checked intra-day gains and pushed price back down to 98.02 in European morning. Dollar remained under pressure, weighed down by waning expectation that the Federal Reserve would start reducing its bond purchases in September and dropped to a fresh 6-week low at 97.50 in New York morning before stabilising.

The single currency traded in choppy fashion in Asia before rising to 1.3295 in European morning after data showed Germany’s factory orders rebounded in June more than economists' forecast, adding to signs the region is recovering. Euro continued to ratchet higher and rose to an intra-day high at 1.3323 in New York morning, however, price briefly retreated to 1.3281 at U.S. midday before rebounding again.

German factory order in Jun came in at 3.8% m/m n 4.3% y/y, better than the expectation of 1.0% n 0.3%, previous reading is revised to -0.5% n -1.8% respectively.

The British pound traded sideways in Asian before rising to an intra-day high at 1.5392 in European morning after the release of much stronger-than-expected U.K. industrial production and manufacturing production. Despite a brief pullback to 1.5335 at New York open, renewed buying lifted the pair to 1.5387 in New York morning before falling again.

U.K. industrial output in Jun came in at 1.1% m/m and 1.2% y/y, better than the expectation of 0.6% and 0.7% respectively. Manufacturing output in Jun was released at 1.9% m/m and 2.0% y/y, stronger than the forecast of 0.9% and 0.9% respectively.

In other news, Chicago Fed President Charles Evans said 'Fed is quite likely to reduce monthly bond buys starting later this year; he wud not rule out cutes to bond buys begin next mth' total size of QE3 will likely end up being at least $1.2 trln, twice the size of QE2; sees U.S. GDP growth at 2.5% in second half og 2013; over 3% next year; sees U.S. economy adding 175K to 200K jobs a mth; sees unemployment falling to 7.2%-7.3% by year end, sees 7% by mid-2014.'

On the data front, U.S. Redbook retail sales came in at 1.0% m/m and 3.7% y/y. U.S. trade balance in Jun came in at -34.22B, versus the expectation of -43.5B, previous reading was revised to -44.10B.

Data to be released on Wednesday :

New Zealand unemployment rate, employment change, Australia home loans, Germany industrial production, France trade balance, U.K. employment confidence, Canada building permits, PMI.


AceTraderfx Aug 7 : Daily Market Outlook on Majors USD/CHF


07 Aug 2013 07:05GMT

Despite a brief bounce fm 0.9247 to 0.9296 y'day,

subsequent selloff to 0.9239 signals the correction

fm last Wed's 6-week low at 0.9228 has indeed ended

earlier at 0.9390 n decline fm Jul's peak at 0.9753

shud resume for re-test of said sup n then 0.9200.

Sell on recovery for this move n only abv 0.9333

defers but said res at 0.9390 shud remain intact.

STRATEGY : Sell at 0.9280

OBJECTIVE : 0.9200

STOP-LOSS : 0.9320

RES : 0.9296/0.9333/0.9390

SUP : 0.9228/0.9176/0.9130

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AceTraderfx Aug 8 :Japanese yen rallies broadly ahead of Thursday's BOJ rate decision

Market Review - 07/08/2013 22:20GMT

The Japanese yen rallies broadly ahead of Thursday's BOJ rate decision

The Japanese yen strengthened broadly on Wednesday and touched to 7-week low of 96.32 on increasing concerns that the Bank of Japan will refrain from adding to its monetary stimulus at the end of its 2-day policy meeting tomorrow.

Although the greenback remained under pressure and dropped to 97.09 in Asian morning due to the selloff in Japanese equities together with concerns that Bank of Japan will refrain from adding to its monetary stimulus after its policy meeting which will end on Thursday, price briefly rebounded to 97.47 before falling again. Price continued its recent descent and fell to 96.99 in European morning, however, dollar recovered to 97.34 ahead of New York open. Renewed selling interest capped rebound and sent the pair to a 7-week low at 96.32 in New York afternoon.

Although the single currency rose briefly to 1.3312 at European open, price dropped to session low at 1.3266 in European morning, due partly to cross-selling of euro versus sterling. However, price pared intra-day gains and briefly climbed to 1.3325 after the release of much better-than-expected German industrial production. Euro continued to trade with a firm undertone and ratcheted higher to an intra-day high at 1.3347 in New York afternoon after Fitch affirmed Germany's credit rating at AAA.

German industrial production in Jun came in at 2.4% m/m n 2.0% y/y, much stronger than the forecast of 2.4% n 2.0%, previous reading is revised to -0.8% n -1.2% respectively.

The British pound traded sideways in Asia and tumbled briefly but sharply to session low at 1.5205 immdiately after the release of the quaterly Bank of England inflation report when Mark Carney said the UK economy recovery wasn't at escape velocity, however, cable immediately pared intra-day losses and soared to 1.5493 as investors interpreted Bank of England's forward guidance not as dovish as initially expected. Price continued to ratchet higher and hit a fresh 1-1/2 month high at 1.5534 in New York morning before stabilising.

BOE's Carney said 'if individual MPC members expect inflation above knock out level then they can judge guidance no longer applies; U.K. economy is not at escape velocity; we do not expect a material increase in borrowing as U.K. economy recovers; FPC should use other lines of defence to tackle problems fm low rates before very blunt tool of MPC to raise bank rate; does not accept that BOE has effectively raised inflation target to 2.5%.'

In other news, Bank of England MPC said 'adopts forward guidance, will not raise interest rates until unemployment fall to 7%.' BOE inflation report forecasts U.K. unemployment rate to stay above 7% until at least Q3 2016; short term market interest rates imply faster withdrawal of stimulus than appear likely; BOE guidance subject to financial stability, medium-term inflation expectations, and BOE forecast that CPI will be below inflation expectations.'

On the data front, Canada Ivey PMI in Jul came in at 48.4, weaker than the expectation of 57.0.

Data to be released on Thursday:

Australia employment change, unemployment rate, Japan rate decision, current account, economic watch DI, China trade balance, import, export, Germany trade balance, import, export, current account, Canada new housing price index, U.S. jobless claims.


AceTrader Aug 9 : Dollar rebounds against yen on short-covering Market Review

Market Review - 08/08/2013 22:27GMT

Dollar rebounds against yen on short-covering

The greenback recovered against yen in New York session on Thursday on short-covering, despite early decline to a fresh 7-week low of 95.81 due to speculation that the recent economic data cannot support the Federal Reserve to reduce its stimulus measures in the near future.

Earlier in Asia, although dollar yen staged a brief rebound to session high at 96.95 in Asian morning, price dropped to 96.10 at European open after Bank of Japan left its interest rate unchanged at 0.10% and refrained from adding further stimulus measures. Price briefly recovered to 96.47 at New York open, however, a small increase in the U.S. weekly jobless claims pressured price to a fresh 7-week low at 95.81 in New York morning before staging a strong rebound to 96.75 in U.S. afternoon.

U.S. initial jobless claims came in at 333K, versus the expectation of 336K. The previous reading was revised to 328K.

The single currency traded with a firm undertone in Asia and rose above Wednesday's top at 1.3347 to 1.3369 in European morning, helped by the release of better-than-expected Chinese data. Euro continued to ratchet higher on dollar's broad-based weakness and rallied to fresh 7-week high at 1.3401 in New York afternoon.

China exports and imports were reported better-than-exected at 5.1% and 10.9% vs forecasts of 2.0% and 1.0% respectively.

The British pound also traded with an undertone in Asia and rose to 1.5519 in European morning before rallying to an intra-day high at 1.5574 in New York morning on dollar's broad-based weakness.

In other news, BOJ's Kuroda in his post-rate announcement press conference, said 'loosening of fiscal discipline may diminish impact of monetary easing; board members wanted to see more hard data showing improvement in capital expenditure; price trend improving for various goods on robust personal spending; BOJ will take appropriate action if tail risk threatens achievement of BOJ price target.'

On the data front, German trade balance in Jun came in at 16.9B, vs expectation of 14.9B, previous reading is revised to 13.6B. Swiss unemployment rate in Jul came in at 3.2%, same as expectation.

Data to be released on Friday :

Japan tertiary industry index, consumer confidence, China CPI, PPI, industrial production, fixed asset invest urban, retail sales, France industrial production, manufacturing production, Italy trade balance, CPI, HICP, U.K. trade balance, Canada housing starts, unemployment rate, net change in unemployment, U.S. wholesale inventories, wholesale sales.


AceTrader Aug 12 Market Review-Dollar rebounds on renewed speculation of Fed tapering

Market Review

Data to be released this week:

Monday: Japan GDP, domestic CGPI, industrial production, capacity utilization, France current account, Italy trade balance, Swiss retail sales, U.S. Fed budget.

Tuesday: Australia NAB business confidence, Japan Machinery order, German CPI, HICP, Zew economic sentiment, current condition, U.K. CPI, RPI, PPI, EU industrial orders, ZEW economic sentiment, U.S. import price index, export price index, retail sales, business inventories.

Wednesday: Australia consumer confidence, France GDP, HICP, CPI, U.K. BOE MPC minutes, claimant count, unemployment rate, average earning, Germany GDP, EU GDP, Swiss Zew index, U.S. PPI.

Thursday: New Zealand PMI, consumer confidence, U.K. retail sales, U.S. jobless claim, empire state manufacturing, Net LT TIC flows, industrial production, capacity utilization, NAHB housing market index, Philadelphia Fed survey. Financial market in France will be closed for market holiday.

Friday: EU current account, trade balance, CPI, Italy current account, U.S. housing starts, building permits, University of Michigan consumer confidence.

Dollar rebounds on renewed speculation of Fed tapering : 10/08/2013 01:12GMT

The greenback rebounded against majority of its peers except the yen Friday on speculation that its recent weakness was overdone and that the Federal Reserve may indeed start reducing its bond purchases as early as next month.

The single currency traded in a narrow range in Asia and edged higher to session high at 1.3390 at European open, however, failure to re-test Thursday's 7-week top at 1.3401 knocked price lower in European morning. Euro eventually fell to session low at 1.3333 in New York afternoon on dollar's strength.

Versus the Japanese yen, although dollar extended previous day's rebound to 96.97 at Tokyo open, price weakened to 96.33 in Asian morning after a government report showed Japan's national debt exceeded 1000 trillion yen. Despite a brief recovery to 96.81 in European morning, renewed selling pushed the pair lower and price later fell to session low at 96.12 near New York close, weighed down earlier by the release of weaker-than-expected U.S. wholesale inventories.

Japan’s outstanding public debt including borrowings reached a record 1,008.6 trillion yen ($10.46 trillion) as of June 30, up 1.7% from three months earlier.

U.S. wholesale inventories in Jun came in at -0.2% m/m, less than the forecast of 0.4%, previous reading is revised to -0.6%.

The British pound also traded sideways in Asia before edging up to session high at 1.5559 in European morning. However, failure to breach yesterday's high at 1.5574 triggered profit-taking and price retreated to an intra-day low at 1.5497 in New York morning before trading in choppy fashion.

In other news, German EconMin Philipp Roesler said 'economic output probably increased noticeably in second quarter; private consumption and investment in construction likely drove Q2 growth; expects industrial production to continue growing, albeit not too dynamically.'

On the data front, U.K. trade balance in Jun came in at -2.646B, narrower than the expectation of -3.80B, previous reading is revised to -4.09B. Japan consumer confident in Jul came in at 43.6, worse than the expectation of 45.0.


AceTraderfx : Daily Forex Market Outlook on EUR/USD


12 Aug 2013 07:05GMT

Despite extending upmove fm Jul's low at 1.2755

to a 7-week high of 1.3401 Thur, euro's weakness to

1.3315 (NZ) today signals a temporary top is made n

downside bias remains for a minor retracement to

1.3285, reckon sup 1.3266 wud hold n bring rebound.

Sell on recovery n only abv key res at 1.3417

wud extend MT rise fm 1.2745 (Apr) to 1.3445.

STRATEGY : Sell at 1.3360

OBJECTIVE : 1.3285

STOP-LOSS : 1.3403

RES : 1.3401/1.3417/1.3445

SUP : 1.3315/1.3291/1.3266