100-300 Pips Per Day Any Pair Any Timeframe Using 2 Indicators - page 86


What is the 100 SMA?

No other good traiding times, as these are very bad for my region.


The 100 SMA is the Small Moving Average.



anyone trading this on a live account?

can i see some results from the trades or screenshots or even better a mt4stats or mt4live just from these trades?


while i have warned continuously of the MACD use only, more importantly understand that the "emphasis" on the currency pairs is shifting over to the EURO and SWISSY from the recent interest in the dollar.

THEIR news comes out in the early morning (edst) and can "roil" the market at those times in the same way US news once moved our market.

just a note to watch because what used to be an "easy" timeperiod is now getting to be a LOT of volitile fun !

enjoy and trade well


Im far from showing off with my results. I started good, then destroyed it all, (because of my own mistakes, not because of MACD :-). However now, doing it with maximal cautiousness Im trading it live. Im trading later hours (for example now) and avoiding news times and it slowly is buiding my account pip by pip. I have losses, but didnt close a day in loss! Although it took me some time till I was able to customise this method a little to suit me enough to trust it.

On completely different matter, I would suggest to start bombing Joesmoe to start selling signals.

Whos with me?

MP6140 I opened your very own thread.

while i have warned continuously of the MACD use only, more importantly understand that the "emphasis" on the currency pairs is shifting over to the EURO and SWISSY from the recent interest in the dollar.

THEIR news comes out in the early morning (edst) and can "roil" the market at those times in the same way US news once moved our market.

just a note to watch because what used to be an "easy" timeperiod is now getting to be a LOT of volitile fun !

enjoy and trade well



Just in case you did not read it last 4 or 5 times. I'll try it again.

Here I helped you out. Your fans can now listen to what you have to say over there. You can put what ever you want up. You can help whom ever you want.

Take everything you have to say over here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

Everyone who comes on this thread who sees everything you wrote will go over there.

I hope you will go.




Im far from showing off with my results. I started good, then destroyed it all, (because of my own mistakes, not because of MACD :-). However now, doing it with maximal cautiousness Im trading it live. Im trading later hours (for example now) and avoiding news times and it slowly is buiding my account pip by pip. I have losses, but didnt close a day in loss! Although it took me some time till I was able to customise this method a little to suit me enough to trust it.

On completely different matter, I suggest we start bombing Joesmoe to start selling signals.

Whos with me?


joe, by the rules of any thread on any site, a person with something to say that pertains to what is being discussed is certainly allowed to say it.

If the original poster states there is a problem using the MACD only, and it is a "given" about the MACD and it is also a "given" about the activities of the European market changing in importance, it would be a miscarriage if i DID NOT ALERT to these problems on your thread since that is where the original post exists !

the thread you opened for me (although i never requested it) is for joke time and has NO seriousness to it, so once again --- to allow KNOWN information and advice to go unstated would be a transgression AGAINST the newbs who follow your advice and NOT any form of disrespect to you.

TRUTH is a funny thing in this world --- some want it and others want to withold it for whatever reasons ---- I spend my life SPREADING IT !

enjoy and trade well



Just in case you did not read it last 4 or 5 times. I'll try it again.

Here I helped you out. Your fans can now listen to what you have to say over there. You can put what ever you want up. You can help whom ever you want.

Take everything you have to say over here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

Everyone who comes on this thread who sees everything you wrote will go over there.

I hope you will go.

joe, by the rules of any thread on any site, a person with something to say that pertains to what is being discussed is certainly allowed to say it.

If the original poster states there is a problem using the MACD only, and it is a "given" about the MACD and it is also a "given" about the activities of the European market changing in importance, it would be a miscarriage if i DID NOT ALERT to these problems on your thread since that is where the original post exists !

the thread you opened for me (although i never requested it) is for joke time and has NO seriousness to it, so once again --- to allow KNOWN information and advice to go unstated would be a transgression AGAINST the newbs who follow your advice and NOT any form of disrespect to you.

TRUTH is a funny thing in this world --- some want it and others want to withold it for whatever reasons ---- I spend my life SPREADING IT !

enjoy and trade well



Once again you have your own thread to say what you want and teach what you want. Please start your own and just teach a method and not an idea or promote your website so people will PM you for the site...Just teach here is a thread for you.


Just in case you did not read it last 4 or 5 times. I'll try it again.

Here I helped you out. Your fans can now listen to what you have to say over there. You can put what ever you want up. You can help whom ever you want.

Take everything you have to say over here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

Everyone who comes on this thread who sees everything you wrote will go over there.

I hope you will go.




Thanks Joe



it would be unethical for a good trader NOT to help a newb in trouble, and when that happens I will post HERE --- its NOT to get clients, students or toot my own horn but to SPREAD CORRECT INFORMATION AND ASSIST !

and whether or not you want me here, THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THESE THREADS and this shall be my last post until i am needed again to clear up a situation, as i dont want this to turn into what "my thread" is !

You have an obligation to the truth, even if it comes from a groundhog !




Just in case you did not read it last 4 or 5 times. I'll try it again.

Here I helped you out. Your fans can now listen to what you have to say over there. You can put what ever you want up. You can help whom ever you want.

Take everything you have to say over here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

Everyone who comes on this thread who sees everything you wrote will go over there.

I hope you will go.


it would be unethical for a good trader NOT to help a newb in trouble, and when that happens I will post HERE --- its NOT to get clients, students or toot my own horn but to SPREAD CORRECT INFORMATION AND ASSIST !

and whether or not you want me here, THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THESE THREADS and this shall be my last post until i am needed again to clear up a situation, as i dont want this to turn into what "my thread" is !

You have an obligation to the truth, even if it comes from a groundhog !




Just in case you did not read it last 4 or 5 times. I'll try it again.

Here I helped you out. Your fans can now listen to what you have to say over there. You can put what ever you want up. You can help whom ever you want.

Take everything you have to say over here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

Everyone who comes on this thread who sees everything you wrote will go over there.

I hope you will go.