_rdb_The Best Free EA - page 38

This EA looks like it is very promising. However in the past 1.5wks or so the spreads have been increased by brokers on EUR/GBP.


A commercial EA FAPTurbo was released about 2 wks ago. It has a scalper engine that trades the asian session just like this one on the following pairs.


In the beginning it was very successful, it is now just about worthless.


They sold a reported 160k copies of the EA to mostly noobs that called their brokers and asked if they could run it. That and the brokers couldnt help but notice all the exact same trades going off at the exact same time.

Do a little research on fapturbo, brokers are closing accounts that run it now.

Thus spreads on the above mentioned pairs are tight all day until the asian session.

by the looks of it this ea came first, its a shame.

Yes criminal MT4 brokers having fun at our expense.

Yes criminal MT4 brokers having fun at our expense.

This was DEFINITELY NOT a good day for the home team or ea!!!


Is there ONE broker out there happy with just the spread on EACH AND EVERY SCALP TRADE we all place. Surely that is a boatload of money even if we win - they win. (Unless each and every one of them places the opposite of our winning trades.)

In other words, is there one broker out there whose interests coincide with ours, and wins when we win???

Do we need to port this to an ECN or something in order to take a few table scraps?

P.S. Sorry if what I say sounds amateurish. ...I'm fairly new to forex.


I believe forex, and any kind of successful trading - as enterprising people such as the ones here will band together and figure parts of the market out and share with one another - will go bye bye, as the fat cats figure out that a little of their profit is going to regular people. What happens then?, as the word spreads around. ...They can't have that, even with Democrats in power.

Imagine Walmart workers taking their $10K savings and turning it into $100K in under a year - as the rich do X exponential factors?

Who's going to man the checkout counters???

I lost my wonderful sales job because the property was worth more than we were making, even as good and successful as we were.

Greed will always win out. Why settle for a mil a year when you can make 3 times that by laying off workers and selling the commercial property???

...Ok, rant over!!

What's the next step for us, the good people of the world???

This EA looks like it is very promising. However in the past 1.5wks or so the spreads have been increased by brokers on EUR/GBP.


A commercial EA FAPTurbo was released about 2 wks ago. It has a scalper engine that trades the asian session just like this one on the following pairs.


In the beginning it was very successful, it is now just about worthless.


They sold a reported 160k copies of the EA to mostly noobs that called their brokers and asked if they could run it. That and the brokers couldnt help but notice all the exact same trades going off at the exact same time.

Do a little research on fapturbo, brokers are closing accounts that run it now.

Thus spreads on the above mentioned pairs are tight all day until the asian session.

by the looks of it this ea came first, its a shame.

I made the same remark a couple of days ago but was accused of having conspiracy theories. The reaction here was that the high spread was normal in a dried up market.

I wonder why the market seems to suddenly dry up at certain hours, since FXDD raises the spread from 5 pips to 7 exactly in the hours that Fapturbo does its job.

Does FXPRO work in another FOREX market since they do not raise spreads ?

I've had more doubtful experiences with FXDD though (stop hunting, 'invalid prices', ..)


Perhaps only certain overlyfat pigs can feed at the troth.

What else is new. It's been this way since the beginning of time!

...I need to chill and remember this is not the end all be all!


Never mind! He He!

Thanks for all the interesting experiences my friends!

Keep it up!!!


Hi! Guys! I got the 4wd EA but it is not trading! Any ideas why? Are both nite time EAs or just the second one?


ummm check the times and spreads!!! EZ


Do a little research on fapturbo, brokers are closing accounts that run it now.

Thus spreads on the above mentioned pairs are tight all day until the asian session.

by the looks of it this ea came first, its a shame.

If you think all the brokers are out there reading public forums and Say OH SHI* they found a good one boys - LETS SCREW EM, I feel sorry for you.