_rdb_The Best Free EA - page 176

i've found a good way to minimize the dd ,you know when there here i string of 3 losses in row ,it happens everytime ,

put autoarrange sl =false

tp +13

max trades per possitions to 1 instead of 3

compare the 2 results ,one with maxtrade per postin = 3 and the other one set to 1,i think it solves the large losses issue

btw ,this is live backtest

So this is how you reduce DD? mine has 5 on max trades. Should I change it to 1-3 to be safe? I don't know how it works but will this increase my risk at any givent trade?


trading micro lots

I set the lots to .03 but it keeps trading .10 lots.

how can I get it to trade micro lots?


i loaded v2b last wednesday ...hasnt made a single trade ... it is loaded correctly. has it traded...or mine not working correctly??


...Not the Brokers fault if they have to take a loss, they provide the service they need to manage it. For money to increase in my account it must decrease in somebody elses account. It is the way it works.

True, but my point is that it won't be the broker who loses when you win, because they will offset your position against another client's in most cases, or by buying or selling larger blocks out on the real market. Their strategy is to avoid the risk of loss by staying flat overall. When conditions make it harder to do this, they'll offset the increased risk with wider spreads, which is just good business.

Liquidity providers are the ones who will be losing money when the Broker unloads their exposure. Do you think the Liquidity providers will be happy about losing loads of cash to scalping EA's who scalp during periods of low liquidity.

Liquidity providers will pass the risk along by simply buying or selling blocks from other liquidity providers. They also don't take the risk of the retail trades. Besides, the puny amounts that fly around as a result of MT4 EAs is microscopic to a liquidity provider... they have no reason to care one way or another.

Not real sure what low liquidity means in a Market that trades 24hrs a day. If scalping EAs were affecting liquidity then this would reasonably be expected to show on the charts, right?

Recall that I said the brokers see higher risk as a result of low liquidity orhigh demand. Low liquidity occurs as a result of lower than average trading interest in the broader market, such as you see on major holidays, off market hours (Asian session, etc.) and uncertain periods before major news events. This low liquidity comes to the broker from the real market via their liquidity provider(s), not from their clients. High demand, however, can come from within their own client base, as when many of their clients start trading the same EA using the same settings. Demand spikes such as that affect the relatively small retail brokers, but would never be noticed by the liquidity providers.

I suspect those that are losing money to scalping EAs are doing everything they can to prevent losing money. It's only natural and it is the way a Market works.

That's true in the sense that brokers who can't offset client trades quickly enough to avoid exposure from scalping trades will offset that risk by widening spreads. This is why many brokers discourage or ban scalping. If the trades you make are offset successfully by the broker, the person(s) who lost when you won are far away in another part of the world, trading a totally different method than you are, totally oblivious to you and your EA. The market is gigantic, and we are minuscule.

That is the better post i read since....i can t remember

Thx for this post

I put it on my website, i there any problem with this, thx to mail me or MP me, i will delete it.

No problem at all

That is the problem that I have been considering from the very beginning.

It's why I have been asking anyone who is trading this EA live to post, comment, or report any results they have had during their trading. It does not matter what kind of results you get on a demo account.

What I think is that the brokers will at some point say "OK, we have let you beat us out of enough money. So let's stop it."

At this point my belief is if this EA consistently wins and trades larger and larger lots, at some point they will take action to stop you somehow. That could be increased spreads, price spikes, etc. Or if that won't work then they can dig deeper into their bag of dirty tricks.

If you are trading against the broker every time (or the liquidity provider) and they can see every trade you make and how you make it then is it reasonable that they would just continue to let you win? If they can manipulate the data any way they want to, then why would they not use that power to keep you from making any large profit? Especially with no regulation of this "industry" called forex?

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe I have it all wrong. Maybe I should believe that if you have a way to consistently win then they will just do the right thing and give you the profits you are entitled to. I don't know.

I would welcome some opinions on this.



If a broker is trading against you, so as to make money when you lose, then they'll certainly have a vested interest in stopping a winning client. Again, if you believe your broker is doing this, find another one. For a legitimate broker, the only risk of losing is being unable to offset client trades. If you're running a successful system that compounds to ever higher trade amounts, you may well get so big that your broker can't service your volume without increased risk, and they'll take steps to protect themselves which will inevitably limit your profit. Remember that retail brokers have limited resources... if you outgrow the broker it's time to move on to a bigger one. Look at stats (don't have the link handy) for broker capitalization to see which ones have the beef to handle large volume, and if you get really big you will have to look at splitting your trade volume up among several different brokers. Ahh, the travails of the super-trader


hmm im changing maxtrades=1 and result is very better why?and it s true changing maxtrades=1?and when maxtrades=1 which change in my positions

Sorry my bad english

This is the backtest for EURGBP M5 data last week wednesday to friday.

I leave other parameters unchanged. Just optimize one parameter. MAXTRADES. The less trades per time, the bigger the profits.

so set the maxtrades=1.

And the bigger the Drawdown will be. Becarefull with this.

If you set maxtrade to 5, Lucky will divide the Risk by 5 positions.

If you set maxtrade to 1, Lucky will take the entire risk on this position.

Bigger profit,yes, but bigger risk of maximum drawdown in the case of loosing trade.

That is just an advice of someone who use Lucky since the begining of december

hmm im changing maxtrades=1 and result is very better why?and it s true changing maxtrades=1?and when maxtrades=1 which change in my positions Sorry my bad english

hi sanyax, can i know where to change the maxtrade=1, its mean the profit will change also?


Parameters lucky v2b

Hello everybody, can someone make a description of the parameters that is lucky to configure, and display any configuration that works well

greetings to all