Perky Scalp System - easy pickings


Just wait for the Xmas bells!!

I use it on 15 M eurusd with great sucess

just remember news etc etc good for 5-10 pip runs

Thanks to all the people who posted their indicators to make this system possible..

Not sure if Ive factored the JPY currencies correctly

remember the tic chart is NOT representative of the "time" as its ticks and will start to build only once loaded

Indicators temp and doc attached


here they are .........................................................


and the rest


live trading sample


OH just one more thing

at the top right

positive +10 look to buybuy

negative -10 look to sell

the red green just means that the figure changed up or down


see the doc file above for explainations

of how to use the indicators

normally go for 5-10 pips with more experience you can go for more.

scalper.gif  34 kb

i'll take look at it. looks good at first glance


Looks very good! Please post lswpr in color indicator.




An indicator is missing.

- Lswpr in color indicator



Looks cool,,

This looks good, I will test it and let ya know. What about the indie that is in color which one is that?


This strategy is great,but from where I can download that indicator it is missing there (lswpr in color) .....