Basket Trading System (T101 system) - page 4

That copy is by someone else trying to put into words her understanding of the system. You PM me and i will sent you the rules, not that copy, my own personal copy,

Thanks PipScorer for coming up with such a novel idea and then sharing it with others. Not everyone would share a system that has a potential. Thanks for your generosiry. Keep up the good work.




I respect you more as a person now because obviously haven't milked the system yet for all its worth, and have the balls to release it to the public which potentially can dull the tip of the spear. As you know, that is every trader's worst fear. And unless one have actually traded for a living, and have the market teach them humility...they don't understand the utter fear the market can instill and how it changes their perception. It takes a special person to do that.

And Julius, I think you should just open a website dedicated to this method, and use your real name assigned to the system. Don't hide behind a internet nickname because most people will forget your handle, seeing you change it quite often, and most will take it, modify it, and try to create their own brand off of it. If you really want to be attributed to this system, you will want to do this to get some fame.

Most traders are on the holy grail trail, they only remember the last good thing before marching on their quest to find something better.


Kenny Rogers:

I respect you more as a person now because obviously haven't milked the system yet for all its worth, and have the balls to release it to the public which potentially can dull the tip of the spear. As you know, that is every trader's worst fear. And unless one have actually traded for a living, and have the market teach them humility...they don't understand the utter fear the market can instill and how it changes their perception. It takes a special person to do that.

And Julius, I think you should just open a website dedicated to this method, and use your real name assigned to the system. Don't hide behind a internet nickname because most people will forget your handle, seeing you change it quite often, and most will take it, modify it, and try to create their own brand off of it. If you really want to be attributed to this system, you will want to do this to get some fame.

Most traders are on the holy grail trail, they only remember the last good thing before marching on their quest to find something better.


In time, Kenny, all in its good time, i am thinking of making abook about this, but then it might ruin me as a person that dont believe in profiting out of this. 3 traders already open a website for me for free but i really dont have the time to take care all of this. I just want to reach out to popular forums in order to get the maximum crosssection of the traders of the world. Because deep in my heart, i know this is what they are looking for in their years of trading. Then perhaps we can change the 95% - 5% ratio of losers to winners. Wont that be something to be remembered of? This system acutally is a 3 tier method and i will only reveal the first part publicly. The rest of the 2 parts i will only teach to those whom i think the Forex world can benefit from them. Traders that have the same outlook as i have now. I am getting old and my time may not be long enough. But the first part alone can generate already thousand of pips on a weekly basis if properly used. As i was saying in the other forum.."All i need are some for my Costco groceries and gas for my SUV" They started laughing and saying they are going to buy me a gas station. What a feeling right??? I am asking the traders of this forum to please give this method a change to prove itself. Thats all and nothing more.



I see, Julius. Yes, I agree, all things change with time.

I used to think I can make my fortune before I hit 25 years old. Then it was 30. Then...yeah, you get the picture. Now, I'm no longer a young buck myself. (Sidebar: Although, I've been told I have a babyface )

You need to take care of your health first and foremost. My father passed away recently from cancer (from diagnosis to death was 3 months), and it was very painful to watch someone slowly die from something you can't control. It also gave me an urgency to get my act together, and think about my own life and legacy. I'm not sure if this is what you are going through as well.

You can afford your own website, you don't really need other traders to do that for you. As for a book, why not? First of all, don't be ashamed of making a profit. If your system works, why not make a profit. People nowadays are so afraid of looking like a scam artist when they charge. I say bullshit. Does Warren Buffet charge for his services? Hell yes, and do people think lowly of him? No. If I want to have lunch with him, it'll cost me over 100k to have this opportunity. LUNCH! If you really hate to charge, I would take that money and give it to charity. Lots of charities need help. Make a website dedicated to the charities you've helped and the work and lives it has touched.

I have a friend that was nervous taking over his father's lucrative business, he didn't want the perception that he couldn't make it on his own and live in his father's shadow. I sat him down and told him to his face. Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position? There is no shame in it. Today, he is very successful and happy. He probably already forgot what I told him. The moral of this is don't be ashamed or worried of what others think.

I'm just glad someone of your caliber figured this system out. It gives me joy to think that good guys don't finish last. And with that enrichment, perhaps, a little more light and happiness can come into the world. I'm not talking about other trader's world, I'm talking about people who don't even have a shot at life...yet.


I guess this is a nice set up to wait for a buy signal.

I started it yestraday at the begining of the european session.

2try.gif  139 kb
I guess this is a nice set up to wait for a buy signal. I started it yestraday at the begining of the european session.


that is a good set up. The trend given by profitcalc is Short. You have 7 reds lining up to take over the top spot now occupied by Ucad. YOur profitsell side is looking good. for some agreesive trader the trade 14 pair straight SHORT and count their profit. Others will wait for the UCAD to be dislodge by any red pair and they trade also the basket of 14 pair straight SHORT. The could be very profittable. I ntoice you didnt even look at any indicator. Most of those trader who adapted this system, throw away thier traditional indicators already. Reason being is that all indicators were made to record price action, we however made price action our indicator directly. Good trading Z



I am quite new to forex (started 4 months ago), and since then I'm scouting methods, reading books and forums and website full time, and trying a lot of stuff with this feeling that somehow, this market has a global value that increases over the years so, potentially, the overall outcome is positive ; then how could we pragmatically get to represent this and use it for trading? It's late here, in Paris, France, I've been learning and trading all day long, and finally I read your post, and a little voice here in my head tells me "you should try this, I think it fits". I'll do that first thing Monday morning, as you said it's better starting the week fresh.

Uh... Maybe I sound weird, but anyway, I'll try it


Hi PipScorer,

I still don't know when to execute the trade. Would you like to send a simplified copy of your trading method?

Thank you.


Nice to see your system here Julius...;)

I normally start the new weekly IA at the start of the market on Sunday and that becomes my guide for the week. However if you visit this Indicators development for T101's not very simple method. and this T101 external IA Monitor

I thnik they have perfected the indicators and even make innovations. I ahve even seen one that has mutiple timeframes now. Myself i stiick with my original method before the advent of all the indicators


You gave an instruction on FF that after opening the IA, we should wait for at least two days for the pairs to settle down. Does it mean you open the IA trades on sunday and you wouldn't start real trading until probably tuesday or wednesday?