Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 65


here is id 87....


What happened to the 30 day rule?...didn't you post that or did I dream that?


Currently 22 signals are in opending mode now. If someone wants for their signals to be moved in any other mode (suspended, pending, approved, not approved) so send PM or email to me.



Here is 1K and then 10K (I pressed the filter button)

I cannot upload the says a security token was missing...what?


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

Here is 1K and then 10K (I pressed the filter button)

I cannot upload the says a security token was missing...what?


Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.

But I can ...

1K and 10K and it is sorted ... no problem ...

What is security token? On the forum?

Never heard about it ...


About ID 87 ...

I do not have moderating panel. So, I am using excel file (the developers are creating mod panel now):

It means that moderator (I am currently mod of RAS now) contacted with this signal provider in 19th of January and as a result of this talking ID 87 was moved to approved mode.

19th of January.

And the developers programmed something as:

if the signal ID is inactive for 1 month so it will be moved automatically to suspended mode.

For example, if there will not be any open trades till 19 of February so this ID 87 should be moved to suspended mode and moderator will receive email about it.

I did not check it but we will see it anyway.

87_2101.jpg  34 kb
87_2101_1.jpg  13 kb

It was an error message from Forex-tsd....It must be destiny...i am not supposed to post those screenshots I guess...bad Karma ☺


But I can ...

1K and 10K and it is sorted ... no problem ...

What is security token? On the forum?

Never heard about it ...

I can't...but I cannot prove it at the moment...

But I can ...

1K and 10K and it is sorted ... no problem ...

It was an error message from Forex-tsd....It must be destiny...i am not supposed to post those screenshots I guess...bad Karma ☺ ES

May be the image is too big.

I am having the errors as well when I am trying to upload big image ...


How do i crop an image?...I use paint....

I use the print screen button and have always wondered how to get this 2-screen setup minimized in a screenshot.


May be the image is too big. I am having the errors as well when I am trying to upload big image ...

Hey ES

I know it's a little late as Christmas is already passed, but better late than never. :-)

Try this software, it's great.

DO NOT upgrade it, it was the last free (Public) version released all versions after this require registration and payment.


