Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 67



Within RAS there is a comment section for each signal...then also ND will add a thread in this Forum, when RAS is open to the public.


How i cand send a message to a signal vendor??

Hey Wayne...are you publishing your FatCat signals in RAS...where did you go? Are you in pending mode after making some changes to the drawdown?

Thanks again,


It's a great tool, it even captures scrolling screens.

Enjoy, glad I could help mate.


This is very confusing....

The page goes to the 1K default and shows a chart...but if you hit the filter button without making any changes to the filter it goes to the previous values....then if you use the scrole box to change to 10K you get the old value....then there is the ranking page with a third value....we need to synch all of this up...


I have seen this effect too: 1K chart is different from 10K chart. Not always but it happens.
This is very confusing....

The page goes to the 1K default and shows a chart...but if you hit the filter button without making any changes to the filter it goes to the previous values....then if you use the scrole box to change to 10K you get the old value....then there is the ranking page with a third value....we need to synch all of this up...


As I understand, when we go to stats page so we need to press Filter anyway to see 1,000 default. Because as I see, this default 1,000 is not loading with the page sometimes.

So, pressing Filter we are receiving real graph (because the data is updated many times in a day).

Hey Wayne...are you publishing your FatCat signals in RAS...where did you go? Are you in pending mode after making some changes to the drawdown?

Thanks again,


Yup, I am back. I find that I cannot or rather do not have the time to publish my signals, trade manually and look after RentaSignal, so I am working on a system with a coder to try and trade an electronic (EA) version of my manual basket strategy.

It is in pending, because of the change and with a new ID#.

Soon as ND is happy, he said he will move it from Pending back to the Main section.

Expect a bumpy ride though, while I try iron out the bugs. :-)




RAS service is on beta testing now.

But as I see some members already subscribed to some signals.

So, I will explain about how to unsubscribe.

It is ID # 78.

For example, you subscribed to this ID.

Go to this ID stats page:

and in the end of stats page you will see:

So, press 'Pause' for all (to stop receving the trades from this ID), or press 'Pause' for some pair (to stop receiving the signals from this pair).

If you subscribed using paypal so you can unsubscribe using your paypal.


- fxtrader625 is having 29 subscribers (all of them - for free signals);

- mozato is having 3 subscribers;

- jeffkerwin with his KiwiTrader started 3 days ago but he is already having 1 subscriber;

- Jairo is having 3 subscribers;

- killerpips is having 4 subscribers;

- martin is having 3 subscribers;

- elite section EAs (14 EAs/IDs totally for now): 12 subscribers. The IDs with yellow asterisk are the signals for elite members only (other members do not see those IDs with asterisk).

Just for information.

I want to remind: the RAS service did not start yet.

(...)Jairo is having 3 subscribers;(...)

I didn't know that, lol. Thanks for the info. I am keeping a close eye on my signal because there are important pending security improvements to be coded. Every time I think the market is becoming too dangerous for the way it trades, I will stop it temporarily. And please be aware that I don't recommend using it in a real account yet. Demo to get a feel on how it works only. Hope to change this soon. Regards.


You can see how many subscribers.

Click on "My Account" from the top and you will see (in the end of the page).

Only the problem is that we can not see about who they are (subscribers) and you can not send email to them. It will be programmed in RAS website version 2 (signal provider's panel).


I'm new to trading currency. Just a newbie. I really am interested in learning all about the trading do's and don'ts. I'm glad iI found you


gotta go

I'm trading right now.I made a mistake yesterday that I know will cost me the last spot in the contest.