School of Pimpology - page 89

Hi All Hope you are all well you pip demons. ..........

Where have you been Rollingstone? Rockie and I have been missing your avatar.........I mean words of wisdom!!

Welcome back.

Honest Bill


nice start to the week

Thought I'd share some predictable moves this morning that a lot of guys took. Here's my 2.

Got scared out of the euro on the red candle and CCI crossing 0.0 anf gold moving down. TP was R1 which it then duly took out. I took 26 but could've had 65.

Cable was the nice one though, an easy and relaxed 80.

Interestingly I went in for a few more on cable but look how it messed around. I finally took about 5 after being down about 20. The second bite is never as nice.


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I took the same eurusd long trade, after breaking that trendline.

First entry was not so good (on the top of break candles).

But I took also second on retracement.

First entry closed for soem 25 pips, the other (better one) closed when it slowed down (for 70+ pips).

I used 15 trailing stop loss for the second order, when it got close to R1.\


edit: not to mention gold and crude marching their ways up, but I did take a look on them before I took trades..


Morning all

Stepping in for Pimp this am as he has IT issues until tomorrow and he will be back online very soon. I am sure u agree he deserves a little holiday and a few hangovers!!!

I have had it on good authority that he has a new (flashier) chat room for u all within the next week...Ohhhh i am excited!!!


Morning all

With Brent Oil rallying from $90.00 to $105.00 the 1st thing on my mind is a potential pullback. Yes its bid and i'm not keen to jump in short at this moment but i will be watching it.

GOLD is in a similar state and one i will be watching for a pullback. Small divergence on the 60min so keep an eye.

With BRENT and GOLD on potential pullbacks the USD could find some support here and with CABLE rallying 800 pips there is a chance of a pullback soon.

EURUSD looks similar and could see 1.4700 touched again soon.

USJPY on 60min looks weak if breaks 105.00, so i need to see the CRUDE and GOLD to show me the way with a short here.

Its a little messy so hold onto your seats for direction.

Speak in a bit.


PS I am working off the BRENT CRUDE OIL chart.


GOLD and CRUDE looking gd for the downside as we speak....

Go GOLD...


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EURUSD looks interesting as well....


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A good day so far....

50 on EURUSD

120 on BRENT

80 on GOLD

250 total for this am...They should move further but i'm not going to get greedy. Thats my weekly target hit in one am.

Speak later, i am done.


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Dan is The Man

Nice trading Big D.......

Humbling performance again.....I keep thinking to myself, one day I'll catch him up and guess what you step up the performance again. Not that I'm competitive in any way! Gold +54, usd/chf +35 and eur/usd +23 - Total 112

Less than half your performance.....Note to self, "gotta do better".

Perhaps when I am once again consumming my favourite beverages my performance might improve. Somehow I doubt it, but its keeping me sane thinking about it.

Have a great day.

Gotta do better Rockie

A good day so far.... 50 on EURUSD......D

Very nice, but.... what for pimp rules strategy have you at EUR/USD trade?

Thank you.


Fact 1 about Gorillas...

1.Gorillas are the largest living primates - the family of animals that includes monkeys, apes and humans. A mature male gorilla can be over 6 feet tall and weigh 300 to 500 pounds. He can spread his arms 8 feet across and is as strong as 4 to 8 strong men. Adult female gorillas are about half the size of the males.