School of Pimpology - page 73


Thank you Mr Pimplogolist , ,

hope to see you at 10


Gold Seasonal to watch in September

There are seasonal tendencies to watch in Gold. Caution needs to be noted as not every year follows the seasonal tendency. However September is a time to be aware and pay attention.

gold_8-8.jpg  61 kb

Is this a measure of volatility?


Welcome to the Asylum of Pimpology

Good morning people,

Is it me or are us lot all going mad? Seems like most of the people that stick it out in the boiler room or on here eventually go a little bit insane.

Is that the strategy, the hours spent in front of the screen or just the universal magnetism thingy at work. You know the one about reaping what you soweth and all that. Hmmmm.

This week has been so long that I proceded to the cellar last night in search for two decent bottles of red instead of one happy shopper one, thinking it was Friday, so forgive me if everything goes wrong today.

Quick word on the longer term stuff. The 1m and 5m are a lot of fun but have you seen GBPCHF, have you seen EURCHF?

Both were longer-term set-ups I posted on here recently and combined they are 1000 pips in profit. Yes one thousand !

How many of you have mad 1000 pips sitting in front of your screens for 12 hours a day with your 5m chart?

I'm really going to start pushing the longer-term stuff very soon. It's very powerful and you have all day to do what you do to enjoy your life.

Onto today. Not expecting much this morning. A lot of the action will wait for this afternoon where we have NFP.

Still some free tickets available to the Non-Farm-Pimp-Show available. Just add FX Pimp to your Skype contact and I will get you in for that.

Gold had a good go at breaking the 4hr 20 yesterday. Crude had a sniff but didn't like it.

In fact, rather cheekily I was playing with some new visual layout ideas for my screens and had a little peek at $CAD Ozzie and Kiwi too.

Everything had a little go at the 4hr 20 yesterday.

To answe your question Benihana about EURJPY it's made up of EURUSD and USDJPY. If these two travel in the same direction then EURJPY will move very aggressively in that same direction.

Wothout looking at the chart I would hazard a guess that EURJPY fell through the floor yesterday.

Well worth bearing in mind. If both Euro$ or cable and $JPY are all the same side of the m.a's on the 60m chart for example, then GBPJPY and EURJPY become demons to trade.

Anyway this has taken so long so far and I have gotten nowhere so might just accept defeat and go make some coffee.

I wouldn't really be interested in playing this morning anyway.

Really not interested in try to catch this little retracement to the 60m 20's on everything, would rather keep my pips, and there's plenty of them this week, firmly in my tin, thank you.

I will do some correlation work and some CCI stuff and some longer term stuff a bit later.


Good setup?

Hello Mr FX Pimp!

I'd like to ask if following entries are good?

I'm not sure about USD&CAD -8pips now but I leave it..

EUR&USD has now +32pips for me

Thank you for your comments..I hope I will learn someday your approach.


Hi FX Pimp,

About the long timeframe trading, is there something like daily pivot we can use? Does it work with weekly pivot and resistance/support levels as well as for daily?




The Euro one was good yes, but the CAD? I fell into that trap too.

I don't have the new template on the CAD computer do it looked quite good.

Since that I have changed my opion. Look whats just ahead. Weekly R1.

Got in at .86 and out .89 so no harm done.

I took the Swissie too probably same time as you did the Euro.

You don't have the signal CCI on your chart I see

cheeky2_2.gif  51 kb


I took also again EUR&USD and EUR&JPY.

I made screenshot of EUR&JPY. Took there some pips

Please tell me Mr Pimp if I'm doing ok?

Hi FX Pimp,

About the long timeframe trading, is there something like daily pivot we can use? Does it work with weekly pivot and resistance/support levels as well as for daily?



We now have, courtesey of Captain Spitfire, S/R levels on the monthly and weekly with backtest too so drop me a line and I will send them over.



Hi FX Pimp!

I sometimes remove signal CCI becouse I work on laptop 1024x800px resolution and signal CCI takes some much space and hmm I really just don't use it often.