School of Pimpology - page 90



Hi Guys and Girls,

Great to be back. Seems like you've been doing very well without me.

I might just take another couple of weeks off !!

Don't think so. I need to get back to the roost, but have had some problems with internet and equipment.

Will be back with a couple of bits tomorrow afternoon as I have access to an office tomorrow.

I don't even have MT4 here and have notlooked at a chart for almost a week !!!!

Then maybe Friday I can get to work on the new all singing al dancing free chat room replacement for the boiler room, which will be really quite nice indeed and will allow us to squeeze more people in.

Then next week theres a chance we may have access to a free liveroom for a while which is looking quite exciting and will feature real time charts and voice.

For those interested in participating please email me and I will send the links as soon as I have them.

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things with you all. Great to see so many of you doing so well, and thank you all for looking after things in my absense.

Please accept my apologies if I have not got round to all your emails yes. I will do my best to get everything done by midday London time tomorrow.

The next feww months are going to be vey exciting and very profitable for all of us so ensure you keep in touch.

Speak very soon.



Today morning

TF5 pimpology BimBam.

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On my cpu with Vista, I have to add each indicator individually and Its asks me permission to do so each time. hope that helps Im no it professional.

Good to have you back!!!

Matt Thomas


Heiken Ashi

I tried to get your system up and working on my laptop which has vista on it... I couldnt get the template to work, everything worked except when I added the Heiken Ashi to it then it would crash MT4.

Have you tried not adding that?

Eventually I had to get everything up and running on my desktop (windows xp) and it is perfect.



Found this.

I found this quoted on a website to fix the compiler in MT4 to work with vista, it may help you.

To solve this issue you should enable DEP (Data Execution Prevention) for essential Windows programs and services only:

1. Click with the right mouse button on the 'Computer' link on your desktop and select the 'Properties' item.

2. Select the 'Advanced system settings' item.

3. Go to the 'Advanced' tab.

4. Click the 'Settings' button in the 'Performance' section.

5. Go to the 'Data Execution Prevention' tab.

6. Select the first item ('Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only') and click Ok.

7. Click Ok in the 'System Properties' window and close the 'System' window.

8. Restart operating system.

9. Start MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal.


Honest Bill:
By the way, you posted this at 4:40am. Me thinks you in Thailand again with those lovely ladies and Spain is just what you told your Mum!!


Captured, Red-handed. darn. I was hoping to get away with that.

It's actually about another problem, which is sleeping. I wake up feeling very mr ed (hoarse) sleeping with air-con, so I bought this nice big fan.

Sadly it squeaked a lot and has not taken too kindly to the olive oil I poured into it.

Aside from being showered in extra virgins in the middle of the night it sounds like a tractor is coming through the wall, hence the 4a.m rise.

It was 2:45 Monday.

Maybe I will have some time to pop out and get a replacement in the next couple of days.

Thanks for all the tips. This laptop does actually have that AVG so I will get rid of that if the step-by-step process doesn't work.

Still no sign of the telephone people so a load of redundant screens which is not ideal but as soon as I rectify this MT3.5 I will be on the case.

Speak to you all later.

Phuket Pimp