School of Pimpology - page 59


Thanks FXPimp. I've been doing this live on a real money account because after reading through this whole post I loved the system. It took me a LONG time to read through the whole post and fully understand the big picture, but now I do. I have real money in my pocket to prove it. I'm not posting my results to brag by any means. Anyone who follows this system can do a LOT more than me. I'm posting to prove this system works.... IF you have the discipline.


Sorry, my mistake.

The 1m should have a standard 21CCI at the bottom, not the 5CCI.

The 5 would be like a rabies infested buffalo on LSD being persued in the 50 degree savanna sun by 6 prides of lions.

Right click on it and change visualisation to EXCLUDE 1m, then add a standard 21 to show ONLY on 1m, then re-save template.

If you don't have it yet then please email me and I will give you the ammended version.

This is how the 1m now looks and the little Euro trade you could have taken this morning (had you been up early enough)

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Here is a list of what we have on each timeframe.

CCI's (From top to bottom of chart)

1m - 5m/15m/Signal

5m - 15m/60m/Signal

15m -15m/60m/Signal

60m - 60m/4hr/Signal(15m)

4hr - 4hr/daily/Signal(60m)

daily - Daily/Weekly/Signal)

Weekly- Weekly/Monthly/Signal(daily)

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FX Pimp:
Here is a list of what we have on each timeframe.

CCI's (From top to bottom of chart)

1m - 5m/15m/Signal

5m - 15m/60m/Signal

15m -15m/60m/Signal

60m - 60m/4hr/Signal(15m)

4hr - 4hr/daily/Signal(60m)

daily - Daily/Weekly/Signal)

Weekly- Weekly/Monthly/Signal(daily)

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Paul I have written about this loads before.

You will need to go back and check, ask for the template or work it all out as I had to.

It's not difficult. If you want a 60m 21CCI on a 15m chart you add an 84?


There are 4 x 15m in 60m so you need to times 21 by 4.


MTF correlation indicator

Hi William,

Whats that indicator that you have in the bottom left hand corner showing all the time frames and wether they are up or down, looks good

Can you post the indicator for me so i can use it too

Thanks in anticipation



I think mine is outdated or set up wrong. Ask in The Boiler Room about it.


Honest Bill


Have I been talking Spanish ??

Forgive me IF I have not been making myself clear.

Here is a Crude 60m chart with 3 x CCI

One is at the top and is colour

One is in the middle and is in colour

One is at the bottom and is standard

Agreed ?

The top one is your immediate trend. When this crosses the 0.0 line in the direction of the middle one, which is your longer term trend is when you have the most powerful moves.

However there will always be a trend within a trend so the bottom one comes from the timeframe immediately below the current timeframe (excluding 30m)

So the bottom one here is your 15m trend.

See how it oscillated too and fro, from one side of the 0.0 to the other more frequently than the other 2? That's where you can enter if you missed the first break of the immediate trend.

With this 15m CCI at the bottom crossing from negative to positive now and with the longer term trend and immediate trend both in positive territory and the moving averages looking well behaved and in correct order there is a chance that this might move up a bit.

Let's see what happens.

Please please please post charts with arrows and ask "was this a valid entry. Is this a good set-up" I can only help a few of you on a one-to-one basis and to be honest, it's unfair on everybody else and deters from what we are trying to do here.

If you cannot asked questions for clarification how do you ever expect to be able to pull the trigger with confidence?

This is not meant as a moan, it's meant to send a message to everybody that it's all of us against the machine. Only Rambo and Scwatzenegger can defeat whole armies single-handedly. We all need to work together to beat the evil.

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If anyone is still in the 4hr GBPCHF posted recently then maybe time to take some profit.

We're 300 pips in front on this pair so closing part of the position would be wise near this previous Low

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This shot should explain the moving averages used on all timeframes from 15m charts upward.

Immediate 20&50, 20&50 from next timeframe (in this case on a 4hr chart it's the daily 20&50) then +2 timeframes (so in this case weekly m.a's)

I havent put the 30m m.a's on the 15m chart instead opting for the 60m and 4hr as +1 and +2.

On the 1m and 5m I have opted to ignore the 50's all together on the 1m and just use the 60m 50 on the 5m chart.

I hope this helps get a better understanding.

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You work too hard for us. This 1min is scary but could be good for a few pips. Definitely need to keep the discipline for it though.




Pivot Theory

Here's one thing worth bearing in mind that I touched on briefly.

Where is my daily Pivot in comparison to my weekly?

Where is my weekly in comparison to my monthly?

Just like moving averages, correct order Pivots can be a vital clue as to the next direction of any market.

Take a look at picture 1. It shows the Monthly (red) is above the Weekly (green) which is above the daily (blue)

Just like a daily 20ema being above a 4hrly 20ema which is above the 60m 20ema.

Pay attention also to when the daily crosses up through the weekly as highlighted with that sexy pastel peach colour in the bottom-right.

No, there are no candles or CCI's but look at picture 2 WITH candles added.

Well worth studying this yourself. It can be invaluable stuff.

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