EUR/USD Open discussion - page 5


Yeah, sounds like a NewKidsOnTheBlocks "Step by Step'' thing.

I still think its gonna break the last high. Step by step... (music)

No pullback yet. 15min Stoch still open (15-5-5).

Yeah, exactly, hard to make sens whit that! It went to S3!!!!....

Giving me the feeling like i'm the only one knowing about the thing.... What about those millions of others traders.... Hummmm!

Must be a Big Boys thing crushing newbs, i'm looking for the pullback.

- or if one were to presume that there really are high-IQ guys pushing this about, they may have been just completing part-2 of the move - part-1 being the move up to near the all-time highs over the last few days, only to drop it back to where it had been, today! That way, the 'news' has been accounted for, the euro is relatively unchanged, and there will be less 'ammo' needed for the next push to a new all-time high - where it is definitely headed! (IMO)...


oops..., 'n i closed.

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Who would do those kind of presumption ?! Hehe!

Waiting for part 3, if they don't blown my account in between.

oops..., 'n i closed.

Really nice done.

That need dicipline.


My alarm haven't rang so i missed the first half of the party...


Don't Follow this...

why i open sell yesterday... (Jul 03) :


MN1 TrendLine is UP 'n NO Crossed line (July 2008)

W1 TrendLine is Flat 'n Crossed line NOT @ Current W1 (Jun 30 - Jul 04)

D1 TrendLine is UP 'n Crossed @ Current D1 (Jul, 03)


:: D1 :: Jul, 03 2008 :: Open bar below D1_Pivot TrendLine == DN to met D1_Sup. TrendLine. -- D1 TrendLine is UP 'n Crossed @ Current D1 (=strong)

:: W1 :: Jun 30 - Jul 04 :: Open bar above W1_Pivot TrendLine == UP to met W1_Res. TrendLine. -- W1 TrendLine is Flat 'n Crossed line NOT @ Current W1

:: MN1 :: July 2008 :: Open bar below MN1_Pivot TrendLine == DN to met MN1_Sup. TrendLine :: and it could be bounce UP to met MN1_Pivot or MN1_Res. -- MN1 TrendLine is UP 'n NO Crossed line.

it's only noobs opinion,

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why i open sell yesterday... (Jul 03) :


MN1 TrendLine is UP 'n NO Crossed line (July 2008)

W1 TrendLine is Flat 'n Crossed line NOT @ Current W1 (Jun 30 - Jul 04)

D1 TrendLine is UP 'n Crossed @ Current D1 (Jul, 03)


:: D1 :: Jul, 03 2008 :: Open bar below D1_Pivot TrendLine == DN to met D1_Sup. TrendLine. -- D1 TrendLine is UP 'n Crossed @ Current D1 (=strong)

:: W1 :: Jun 30 - Jul 04 :: Open bar above W1_Pivot TrendLine == UP to met W1_Res. TrendLine. -- W1 TrendLine is Flat 'n Crossed line NOT @ Current W1

:: MN1 :: July 2008 :: Open bar below MN1_Pivot TrendLine == DN to met MN1_Sup. TrendLine :: and it could be bounce UP to met MN1_Pivot or MN1_Res. -- MN1 TrendLine is UP 'n NO Crossed line.

it's only noobs opinion,

All drawn manualy?! You are switching TF to draw those?!

Obviously you made a valuable logic out of your own system. Bravo!

May i ask you to post your indic, the +JOGET_bs+ plz. Would be helpful.


On another hand, the noobs make it out preatty well, i think so!

All drawn manualy?! You are switching TF to draw those?!

Obviously you made a valuable logic out of your own system. Bravo!

May i ask you to post your indic, the +JOGET_bs+ plz. Would be helpful.

yup, i draw manualy

:: it would be nice if you/someone can make it an auto TrendLine.


:: today EURUSD ::

:: MN1 TrendLine is UP 'n NO Crossed line (July 2008)

:: W1 TrendLine is Flat 'n Crossed line NOT @ Current W1 (Jun 30 - Jul 04)

:: D1 TrendLine is UP :: Crossed line NOT @ Current D1

>>>> Price DN to met D1_Sup, then UP to met D1_Pivot or W1_Pivot :: if broken W1_Res. it will UP to met D1_Res. :: but, if NOT broken W1_Res it lovely to met W1_Sup.

>>>> it's only noobs opinion :: WARNING Do Not Follow this!

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Thx alot for your comments and contribution.

Honestly you bring EXELLENT stuff to this forum!



.....qqq trapped @ H4 TrendLine

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