Currency heat map - page 10


EA call

robp, I had the same requirement...

...attached please find bastardised version of Mladen's masterpiece.

Cheers, Kris

Hi, how to make this indicator can be called from an EA.?

Help me please.

Hi, CP6!

for example, how would you interpret signals - practically use HeatMap?

thank you

hi fxbs, im also new to this,

im only use weekly guide & watch which currency have all the red/green color (weak/strong)...only for guide...but to enter the market i use my own system.

for example when USD row is all red, thats mean USD is the weakest among all currency. Then find which row that have almost green color (strongest)....thats the best pair to trade...the principle behind that is buy the strongest & sell the weakest among all.

or find any cross currency again that weakest row...for example here, if USD row is all red, then we can pay attention to any USD based currency to trade (eur/usd, usd/jpy, aud/usd etc <-- the 1st approach is better than this)

sorry for my bad english...for better understanding, u can go to the site.

Currency Heat Map



Very great indicator!!! I will ask if was possibile in the Currency Heat Map MTF add percentage of change from the close(precedent bar) inside the box . Looking something like this " +0.1 " or " -0.9 " . Thanks


I could not run real time

I could not load the Heat Map script (all versions).

I get the following error:

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:unknown subwindow number-1 for ObjectCreate function

Your help will be very valuable, please help.





I do not know which version did you use (the ones I have on my PC work OK)

Anyway, your post reminded me of this indicator so I made a change with something I learned in the mean time : this one should work with any prefix or any suffix (even those that are not invented yet) assuming that the broker has EURUSD in his list of symbols. Basic currencies are entered without any prefix or suffix in the list (the rest of work is done by the indicator)

Indicator posted at the first post of this thread (here : )



chm_-_any.gif  18 kb

Heatmap on chart window

Back on the subject of the Heatmap...

Once again, I have modified Mladen's latest version of the indicator to my chart size and currency pairs requirement.

Cheers, Kris

Hi Kris,

i want to thank you about the heatmap mtf (on this post: ), your version is the most usefull between all for me...

Is there anyone able to modify it just to have the indicator on chart window?

Best regards and thank you once again !


heatmap_1.gif  13 kb

Set Chart Colors To NONE

Is there anyone able to modify it just to have the indicator on chart window? Doc

Hi Doc,

Quick and simple solution -

1) Right click chart - click Properties

2) Select Color Tab

2a) Set background color and foreground color

2b) Set all other colors to NONE - click OK

3) Place your indicator on the chart and size it how big you want

4) Save chart as Template

You now have a chart without lines showing just your indicator.

Hope this helps,


Edit - I just saw Mladen's quick response with the code to do I'll call my solution the "non-programmers"! Thanks Mladen.

Doc, Here you go
With Window choose the target window, with Cornerchoose the corner to display it at



Many thanks Mladen !

Best regards and good holiday to you


Doc, Here you go
With Window choose the target window, with Cornerchoose the corner to display it at



thanks mladen...

its amazing...


Awesome! Mladen!

Thanks a stack!

Doc, Here you go
With Window choose the target window, with Cornerchoose the corner to display it at

