Suggestion to forum admins - page 5

How about creating a ongoing library of all old and newly created indicators and experts that are created for everybody to tap into and experiment with, or at least be able to search for a indicator by name and be directed to it the thread and post #- At present it seems that there are many indicator or ea files that cannot be located by the search engine on the forum. Dave

Excellent idea, that way we don't waste time reading posts - as much as we may enjoy it. Great way to improve quality of succesful traders threads and posts - have a database of indicators and EA's to download from directly with basic trade logic rules and screenshots. I am sure posters would volunteer to help with this some way. Users can upload their own ones but this is pre-moderated for quality control!

I cannot find the feedback section here...I hope I am posting this in the correct place...move it if necessary...

First of all...without sounding like a suck up...I want to thank you ND, for this site. MT4 must be real appreciative of the service that you do here for their platform...eventhough Forextsd is not connected with their company.

The owners of Forextsd made the right decision for you to be the anonymous one of "presence" here and you do a fine job of moderation overall, eventhough I do not agree with everything.

late edit

Moderator, please do not edit my post. Your reply does not make sense by what you did..I do not appreciate you changing the content of my post...just simply delete the whole thread...but do not edit my content...I am not breaking any rules here and I am sure that others can be allowed to reply...

Again...I need a bigger PM box...and I am sure many others here need that is rather small and I find myself having to delete posts to make room two times a week and I lose some posts that I want to keep..I am sure there are others herethat have the same problem..I have read some complaints about this previously. Other sites seem to be able to have larger space for PM's.


I agree with you - but others sites don't have ND - the most helpful forum admin ever!!! For me I can cope with inbox and outbox fillups now and then. ND compensates for it. Yep he paid me to say that


my suggestions

Dear admins and Mods,

could you :

Make new some thread like : indicators requests" or something like it, we especially newbie always asking about something strange or customized indicators but with some priorities like : indicators request quota (limited request per period), obvious procedurals and techniques, free or commercials subthread for that quests



Dear admins and Mods,

could you :

Make new some thread like : indicators requests" or something like it, we especially newbie always asking about something strange or customized indicators but with some priorities like : indicators request quota (limited request per period), obvious procedurals and techniques, free or commercials subthread for that quests




For new ideas (EA or indcaitor) we are using this thread:

Because Alerts and MTF are indicators of some indicators already made have their own threads.

And for Elite section:

Also, we have the most important tool: Google search inside the forum


The other 2 threads which can be used for this purpose: (if you have some preliminary programming knowledge).


Non Inclusive Country Members To Elite Subscription


I joined Forex-TSD on recommendation of 'daymo' and would want to join the elite subscription. The snag is certain countries that do not use PayPal but have access to MasterCard/Visa are excluded from the drop down menu.

I don't know if this is the right place to bring this to the attention of the admin but then I don't know where else to lay my complaints. If any rule is broken, please do forgive as my intentions are genuine.




to admin

i want to suggest one things to admin,


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here is the iconwe can click to check my/member of their/mine reply posts

i suggest u put it below 'welcome, (member name)'..
