Range Bar Chart on MT4 - page 53

this indicator is working in mine..mt4 build 711 ..not even range bar ea..m use fxopen ecn demo account..how to make it work..does it support build 711..

It works for me. Did you try opening the offline chart?

Jack1 If your indicator(s) is using IndicatorCounted() in any place then you have to change it. That function is returning wrong values in offline charts with all the new builds

Why (Range bars Ea new format 1) can not open new order?

capture.png  67 kb
yuan ys:
Why (Range bars Ea new format 1) can not open new order?

As far as I see your symbol should be "EURUSD." and not "EURUSD" as on the range bar. The name of the symbol must be the same as the original symbol name



is there a way to make this range bars EA generator to work on an offline chart as source? I tried to plot it on a 1 minute offline chart, the face is smiling, dll import is allowed etc but no hst file is generated, even if i wait for some pips movement and refresh the offline chart used as source.



Ehm, Mladen? I was aking to you

Ehm, Mladen? I was aking to you


Why don't you use some version that works? Why trying to use some version that does not (work)?

As far as I see your symbol should be "EURUSD." and not "EURUSD" as on the range bar. The name of the symbol must be the same as the original symbol name

What are the indicators? ...those ellipses

thefxpros Why don't you use some version that works? Why trying to use some version that does not (work)?

Because i don't know if it is possible to use an ea to an offline chart as source, i was just asking if it can be done

Because i don't know if it is possible to use an ea to an offline chart as source, i was just asking if it can be done


It does not matter if an ea or an indicator is used for offline chart generating. And, since there is still a limit of just one EA per chart allowed, it is always better to have indicator instead of EA (if it is possible, of course, since indicators can not manage orders)

thefxpros It does not matter if an ea or an indicator is used for offline chart generating. And, since there is still a limit of just one EA per chart allowed, it is always better to have indicator instead of EA (if it is possible, of course, since indicators can not manage orders)

Mladen i am not sure if i have not explained correctly or you got it wrong. I was not asking about indicators/EA generators and which one is better, etc.

I wanted to know if EA like that, that create range charts, can be used not on a regular 1 min timeframe but on another offline chart used as data source for creating the range chart.

I ask you this because i want to make a third part application that capture the price data feed from ninjatrader and then, with a mt4 plugin, these datas are used into an offline 1 minute timeframe with the new price quotes.

So my doubt was this, will i be able then to use this EA on this new 1min offline chart used as source?