Join the Dots. - page 28


Thanks for the kind words. They are hard to come by on this forum.

although im not particularly worried about the "original" hedge i spoke about, hearing some of the negative (fear) comments led me to spend some face time with a Cray, to work out something similar --- but simpler, easier, safer and with less drawdowns to all my little friends out there !

its based on the natural reversal periods that happen intraday, everyday and has a lowered pip tp point.

the lessened profit is made up for by there being at least THREE safe points to use this method, and once proven one simply doubles the lots used per trade.

being quite serious, if it works as it has been for the past few days, $1500 - 2000 or more (depends on your account) is easily possible per week.

On another note, being the fool im considered to be, I took the demo accnt I had shown a few weeks ago and got rid of everything but $250 in equity to see what being a poor rookie is all about. Presently the account is up to $364.00 with much more of the trading day left, so maybe I will be able to write a book --- "how i turned $250 into owning St. Louis in 4 weeks !", and i shall achieve fame and fortune and be number one on the ny times book list, beating Cramer by miles !

I am a tad excited by what it does (today the hedge was taken out in half an hour, both ways) and will publish after my first $10,000 or my ferret says its good, whichever comes first !

mp --- ONE of the really good guys and I live here !


mp, is your ferret talking yet?


Forget It

MP and TRO please know that your insights are appreciated. I dont think FXBabe is Old Guard here, but there do seem to be some people with emotional / communication difficulties. Please ignore them - the rest of us appreciate you!

Just asking a simple question. Thats all. I won't be commenting on it again because I have said what I want to say and it's not fair on kamper as this is his thread.


YOU DID NOT ASK A QUESTION --- YOU stated that I was not making money, which comes down to calling me a liar ! I agree that this conversation should stop, but must point out that YOU started this, not me !


I agree but must point out that YOU started this, not me !

Started what!! you sound like my little nephew. I just wanted to know if you really make money or not. When you say all those things in your posts I have a right to ask that question. Don't try to make this out like we are having a fight, we are not, im just asking a genuine and good question in behalf of many in this thread and forum.



BABE -- because of the disruptions and increased usage of peoples email, i will address this ONCE AND ONCE ONLY AGAIN ---- THIS is your original post from msg number 255 -----
"I don't think you are actually making money trading. You want to think you are".

In no way or form is that considered a QUESTION, but a direct and attacking statement --- perhaps your nephew is right, after all !

Look me up in the New York Corporate pages --- Im in there and have been for 7 years !

Do as you wish with the information i give out, but do not be so silly as to utter a statement such as you did, especially with NO knowledge of who you attack !

enjoy and trade well babe,


ADDENDUM --- having cooled down a bit, It is possible to see how you might have been asking a question, but written it poorly (possibly because of those pints I spoke of) --- if indeed this is true, then i must say that I have NO way of proving I make money because it would be illegal for me to show the company's trades !

that is the reason i use demos when talking to the rookies, as i can show those till the cows come home !

If indeed you REALLY meant to question, but got your tongue wrapped around your keyboard and fingers, accept my apologies --- if otherwise, I remain with the same feelings as i have posted !

Theres nothing silly about questioning whether you are what you say you are.

Please...please...please,FXBabe, I don't know how old you are, but I think at least you should be a little bit more mature than a highschool girl. If you don't like MP's comments, just ignore him. You don't have to be that unfriendly. Plus, calling The RampledOne a dog is really nasty and insulting. At the same time, you are insulting yourself.

I personally think MP is a great great trader, his insights on Forex trading are very well appreciated. MP and TheRampledOne, please forget about whatever that babe may have said. Your remarks are always appreciated. Please keep up the great work.


Why should anyone ignore? he says he is a successful trader and goes on and on, if he can say that why can't anyone question whether he is genuine or not? there is nothing immature about that. Go and look the word up in the dictionary. What I said to TRO was appropriate.


Thanks for the support FXBabe, but I did say previously that I do not mind sharing my thread with MP, I kinda find his sense of humour great and I like what he has to offer.

Maybe one day I will understand that spaghetti system that he keeps posting? :-)



Dont get me wrong man, I like your thread and all this discussion, its all good. But i should be allowed to question. I hope you understand it.

MP and TRO please know that your insights are appreciated. I dont think FXBabe is Old Guard here, but there do seem to be some people with emotional / communication difficulties. Please ignore them - the rest of us appreciate you!

LOL. I don't have emotional or communication problems. You dont have to be like TRO or the other one.

Well, I started this thread, and while that gives me no seniority or anything fancy other than the fact that I was the original authour, I did quite clearly welcome MP's system and when people suggested that it be taken somewhere else I replied that the two could so-exist quite happily?

The fact that anyone else comes along and abuses MP or TRO, is really of no relevance, unless you allow it to be?

So guys relax, or, although I am not a really regular poster at Forex Factory or TRO's Forum, I'd be more than happy to move the discussion there also. I for one would not be very happy to see anyone leave this thread and value all input.





Allow that now that Ive cooled down a bit, I can see where "babes" original statement could have been a question, although "muddied" by some external source, such as many pints at the pub or "dry goods", none of which I give a rats rump about ! I back that with the fact that she was defending herself by stating repeatedly that it was a "question" and i believe she just goofed on how she first addressed it !

that said, MY system is really no different than YOUR system, just with the addition of support and resistance to give one a point to shoot for on exits. Added to that is the observable reversals in the intraday trading, which allows people to exit a position so as to avoid the inevitable drawdowns as the currency reverses for half a day ----- its nothing more than an "addition" of "real time trading" to what you have and work with !

the GU "hedge system" is simply a throw away that makes decent money over time, which is why I refer to it as "beer money" and is NOT how i normally trade forex, just a little thing similar to a "nooner !"

I have spent years moderating "equities" sites, including some of the largest and NO ONE "abuses" me without coming out of it bloodied --- I can point to 4 people who attacked me when i first came to Forex-TSD, and are now asking for my "system" (which is nothing more than YOUR system with some add ons) --- I come on strong and have to then prove my words ---- I stopped with babe because it did not appear she was "connected" with her ideas for some reason and so I let it go. Somewhere down the line the truth will out but I think I already have the truth.

btw, she is getting upset because of her continued request for information on the zig zag (which was fullfilled, but i guess she didnt see it and directed her anger towards me)

In truth, now that ive calmed down, this whole thing is much ado about nothing and as long as Im welcome here, I remain here.

enjoy and trade well, using anything you got
