Blog - page 5



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Portfolio commentary and Challenges updated...

Still losing money...


Here is the latest commentary in the Live portfolio link below:

I have completed a lot of portfolio reallocation with one new MA and EA entry. The 5 funds of LJW were cancelled and JLungu was fortified w/$2,408.53. I added a new MA named Spice Cap with a small stake of 100 bucks at Oanda. I replaced the commercial PipBuster EA with another one of the TrendChaser EA's. I just could not see any reason to experience the drawdown with PipBuster while paying for the privledge of using it.

I place more importance on drawdown than yield as I must stop the losses in this Portfolio and I feel that I have enough speculation in the mix. I am not reaching my goals yet, but if you notice the NAV holds stable (even during NFP week) and I have more cash invested than usual.

I feel pretty good about the current holdings in this portfolio and I might put this years IRA addition/contribution in Berkshire Hathaway B stock (BRK.B). I have heard some great things about Warren Buffett and his future prospects to invest in China.

I hope to be able to continue to present this unique portfolio which invests in the cash market of Forex, together with holdings of precious metals in the Franklin Fund, while experimenting with automation. The Portfolio is heavily weighted in Forex and will soon introduce the Berkshire componet as an equity holding to round out the allocation.

There is a little bit of everything for everybody and the goal is to preserve capital and to hold the drawdown at bay. Again, I have experienced a 43% portfolio drawdown and I am not doing a very good job.


I did a portfolio update yesterday.

The portfolio seems to be holding at the bottom and not falling anymore. I think I have finally weeded out the troublemakers. But Income Plus remains and the Franklin Precious Metals Fund is not as slow moving as I thought originally.



I just updated the sure and check out the commentary tab at the bottom for my latest update on the commentary for this portfolio.



What is this thread about ? The title is just Blog , I didn't get it !



Well the Blog turned into sort of a Forum. I use it to record my live trading portfolio in which there is a link to that in my signature for those that with to just look at the results.

I keep it updated and recently updated it and there are many changes worthwhile with each update. I thought this thread would be nice to post to when I updated ...and for those that do not wish to follow along, I post progress here.

I personally like to read about other traders and their journey...and I wanted to share mine.

That is the reason for this thread. I was worried it was not appropriate in my opening post and I invite you to NOT read this thread if necessary. I tried to pick the best subforum to post this in....and discussion areas seemed to be the most appropriate. as you know I sell nothing and it seems to be appropriate.

Anyways to use this post and to say something of value...I am holding steady this year after losing much last year and not making any money, thus far. But I seem to have found a prolonged bottom to my losing. Maybe I am getting better, but I need to learn how to make money along with keeping it ☺


What is this thread about ? The title is just Blog , I didn't get it !

I updated my portfolio link below...

It is really hard right now for me to make money...



For those of you interested I updated the live portfolio link....I have added a demo tab for you to see what I am testing.

The link takes a while to load as it is a huge excel spreadsheet.



Wow, you aren't kidding about the xml file being huge - I was expecting something in the order of 1-5 Meg, whereas it is closer to 25 megs!!! Worse, the whole thing is barely compressable so that won't help either - what's in that thing?!?!?!

It might be a good idea to include the actual file-size in your warning, as well as increasing the font-size (big red letters would be nice! ).....