Blog - page 4


yes ElectricSavant nice blog u have... my blog just cover generals on forex.. if u like to exchange link plese pm me in da blog... n we can exchange links together... hope u use ur id es... just want to remember u n ur blog...


Your blog is more like a website and very nicely laid out..Do you have trouble with spam? I had to add passwords recently, which I did not want to.


yes ElectricSavant nice blog u have... my blog just cover generals on forex.. if u like to exchange link plese pm me in da blog... n we can exchange links together... hope u use ur id es... just want to remember u n ur blog...
Your blog is more like a website and very nicely laid out..Do you have trouble with spam? I had to add passwords recently, which I did not want to. ES

tq es.... no spam trouble at this moment... add passwords??

* waiting es to exchnge linx wth me


What does exchange links mean? I do not have any profitable links to share?


tq es.... no spam trouble at this moment... add passwords?? * waiting es to exchnge linx wth me

ur blog link put in my blog...

n my blog link put in yours...

we can try exchange users/visitors....

put some feedjit code like me... u can see where are the visitors come from...

put some google adsense to get so revenue

n lots more.... want secure chat box?? cannot be spammed?? 4 free?? well pm me if u interested...

as a deal we exchange link 1st ok ?? cheers!!

happy blogging...


the blog Utility

Well...It looks like I have a Job. I am the writer of this wonderful Blog that the polite readers come and visit. Some visitors from private circles and some professional traders have privatley lurked and some of them have introduced themselves privatley and some even publically. I am honored to have you spend your time and read the Blog.

I take all this too seriously perhaps, But I endeavor to make this Blog the stop for traders to visit while having their morning coffee...or for the weekend entertainment...A place to learn, share...and relate to.

It is a personal Blog...and it is my place to talk share and discuss my investments and my quest for 5 million in 10 years.

We are tracking a portfolio in there with live money....There is no vending and I get no enrichment whatsoever. This is a pure place....There is a Challenge for competition and there are a few methods that use EA's from here, written by me and others in there. There are managed accounts and commentary, also.

You are most Welcome Traders and Investors. Come and see what TradeVesting™ is all about.


Bright Idea's :: Log in

Comment: The Franklin fund has taken off from my entry point with 10% in 18 days. The other gains have been a good overall 15 day performance in this last half of February 2008 in the managed accounts. Please note there has been a dramatic change in the rankings in 15 days in the MA's. Going forward will be a continuance of weeding out the dead wood and adding to the winners. You will see some of the more speculative EA's entering the mix soon.

Managed Accounts Current Equity Ranked Daily Profit Order as of 03/01/08:

LJW #4..........$129.35.......11/19/07 (102 days) +29.35% +0.288% /day

Pegasus........$119.75.......11/26/07 (095 days) +19.75% +0.208% /day

J. Lungu M/O.$110.32.......12/04/07 (087 days) +10.32% +0.119% /day

LJW #3 .........$107.39.......11/19/07 (102 days) +07.39% +0.072% /day

LJW #1 .........$104.58.......11/19/07 (102 days) +04.58% +0.045% /day

Trendrider.....$103.23.......11/21/07 (100 days) +03.23% +0.032% /day

Galleon..........$1,027.81....10/25/07 (127 days) +02.78% +0.022% /day

Sigma............$923.57.......10/28/07 (124 days) -07.64% -0.062% /day

LJW #2..........$93.45.........11/19/07 (102 days) -06.55% -0.064% /day

IncomePlus....$718.69.......10/10/07 (142 days) -28.13% -0.198% /day

Mutual Funds (ToS)

Franklin..........$4,191.02....02/11/08 (018 days) +10.15% +0.564% /day

Cash $9,435.55 (5.85% apr)

Portfolio Results:

08/16/07 Portfolio Value: $27,901.62 (initial = $28,576.53) START

10/29/07 Portfolio Value: $26,632.26 (initial = $28,576.53)

10/30/07 Portfolio Value: $27,335.77 (initial = $28,576.53)

10/31/07 Portfolio Value: $27,056.05 (initial = $28,576.53)

11/02/07 Portfolio Value: $27,231.13 (initial = $28,576.53)

11/07/07 Portfolio Value: $28,179.59 (initial = $28,576.53)

11/14/07 Portfolio Value: $26,496.40 (initial = $28,576.53)

11/28/07 Portfolio Value: $23,062.89 (initial = $28,576.53)

12/01/07 Portfolio Value: $22.515.29 (initial = $28,576.53)

12/05/07 Portfolio Value: $22.571.30 (initial = $28,576.53)

12/31/07 Portfolio Value: $19,807.35 (initial = $28,576.53)

02/12/08 Portfolio Value: $16,101.42 (initial = $28,576.53)

03/01/08 Portfolio Value: $17,064.71 (initial = $28,576.53)

Managers Commish Rates: Managment fee/Incentive fee

LJW.....................0%/20% (5K)

J. Lungu M/O.........0%/20%


Trendrider.............0%/30% (also available in C2)

Pegasus High Risk...2%/20%


Income Plus/Power $15 per RT/25%



Income Plus/Power...................03.50%


LJW…....................................00.35% *4 = 01.40%

Pegasus High Risk....................00.35%


J. Lungu M/O..........................00.35%


Franklin Gold & Precious Metals..13.31% ($3,804.71)

Cash.....................................33.02% ($9,435.35)


I phoned technical support at my webhost (Ipower) and they confirmed that the Forum was running slow and even timing out at times. This will be corrected.

...all are Welcome to follow along in my live portfolio of Challenge contestants, EA's, MA's and Funds..



really REALLY good blog, it's nice to see some actual useful information on the internet. I'll be checking up on you constantly. Nice one!

one thing, i think you might want to do something about where your hosting your site because i'm getting timed out quite alot.



I have a portfolio update in the forum...but here is the link to the spreadsheet for those of you interested:

HeHe I have done a great job of recording my losses! ...Perhaps I have gone as low as I can go ☺