

I do not know if this is appropriate or if I am allowed to do this. But here goes...

My Managed Account blog is from my own website that I pay for and I do not accept donations and I do not get paid for clicks and there are no ad's. The Managed Funds I invest in do not pay me and if they have those programs I do not participate in renumeration, thus far. Some of the Managed Accounts are from here and some from other areas. It is a real live portfilio of managed accounts in Forex trading real money...MY MONEY.... and I update it frequently. I hope this is helpful to many and good reading...

I think there is a shortage of these kind of REAL BLOGS for Retail Forex Traders and Investors.

Please visit often and tell me what you think. It's a clean and easy read.

Bright Ideas




It look out informative about differnet company witch you publish at your blog...


I think your message got a little lost in the translation..

did you mean?

The blog has infomative posts about different companies.

I am not sure if you mean that is good or bad...

Can you clarify?

..and Thank you in advance, for HONEST critisism. I sorely need to know how the blog comes across.


Hi It look out informative about differnet company witch you publish at your blog...

I am not sure if you mean that is good or bad...

Can you clarify?



Your blog is pretty good and I think that traders can find useful infromation about different financial company ...just go a head...


Hi ES, congratulations on the blog, very informative

Waking up every 4 hrs 24/6 is not healthy and I removed all indicator manual trading from my life."

did you ever try Day-to-Days trading ?


do you suffer from AHD (Attention Hungry Disorder) ? hehe ..


Yeah once with equities...but i did not do so well..

in a market where everybody was making money...


Hi ES, congratulations on the blog, very informative

Waking up every 4 hrs 24/6 is not healthy and I removed all indicator manual trading from my life."

did you ever try Day-to-Days trading ?

I have enough attention in my life...I have a wonderful Wifey of 20 years marriage and a lot of friends that trade eveyday with me...

What more could I hunger for?

I have learned a lot from these internet boards and hope to turn a profit in the blog within 12 months and continue to do so to reach my goal of 5 million dollars for retirement.


P.S. fxguy... I have reviewed your posts...why do you have so much hate for traders? you cannot accuse me of lieing or vending...what else do you have left? My post count? My struggle?...what is it with you anyways? Folks read this guys grafitti he spreads about this board..I do not have an agenda other than to find, learn from and share with REAL TRADERS..fxguy do you have an agenda?

do you suffer from AHD (Attention Hungry Disorder) ? hehe ..

Well I'll certainly be checking in to see how you're doing and leave a comment if I can.

I'm also a member of Bluto's group so looking to see how those EAs are performing!

All the best with it.


You are most welcome and nothing is for sale...its just a traders repository...


michael dunbar:
Well I'll certainly be checking in to see how you're doing and leave a comment if I can.

I'm also a member of Bluto's group so looking to see how those EAs are performing!

All the best with it.

What a week! the portfolio is nearly up 1k in 5 days...