Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 217



what last rule trading system ?

what last indicator for system ??




First thing is.. like many others.. zig zag cannot be backtested dint really look into it..

Secondly, zigzag lines and the arrows move as well... hard to imagine or have confidence in trading and faith in bring profits...

Thirdly, since all yall say it's profitable.. i'm jumping in too.. bounce bounce..


question on version 43

I've been looking it over and came across this under your stoch settings

if (StochMain < StochBuyLevel)


if (StochSignal > StochMain) return (LONG);


if (StochMain > StochSellLevel)


if (StochSignal < StochMain) return (SHORT)

I read this as if the main signal is less than the buy level of 20 that is set, go long and if the signal is greater than the main to also go long.

Wouldn't that still be heading downward. I believe the main should be above the signal to indicate a long position. If I'm wrong please explain thanks

You know what fine. I will just stop trying. I dont need this. If you read I asked for closed trades. I guess u missed that part. Oops. No matter. It is for the traders to prove to themselves. I have an inbox full of thank yous thanking me & F*** yous hating me. But you. You rant & rave all the time.You wanna sell stuff fine. You dont see me in your thread saying how you just took this idea & worked in a different way & that your a fraud as alot of people think you are. I just leave you alone. I dont write a big post saying basicly you suck which is what u have done here. I am not selling anything on this thread. Thats what I was talking about. This & that have nothing 2 do with each other. I asked everyone 2 be honest. I dont need to prove anything to anyone. especialy u. You have done nothing but bad mouth everything everyone tries. Not just me. i read your posts. You just want everyone 2 think your so high & mighty. In reality your not. I have wasted to much time on you already. So to sum it all up so you get the message F*** you & your regards.

Keep you regards. I dont need them.

Good luck everyone else in your trading.



Did you read any personall attacks or F*** words in what I said?...

What is said was based on 2 true facts.

1) YOU said you didn't sell ANYTHING and that was not correct because you are trying to sell something in the commercial section. Again nothing wrong with that at all. But then one has not to say he doesn't sell ANYTHING.

2) The results that were allowed in the challenge you had were HIGHLY questionable. The reason why does not have to be repeated again.

So tell me where I was making statements in that posting that are absolutly not correct ?...

And not by starting ..igor ,you are a fraud and you are an idiot and f*** you or drop dead. Just tell me where I was completely wrong on those 2 claims.

You say that people think I am a fraud.

That is also not correct. People even know that I am not a fraud at all. On the contrary. They know that my goal is to be CORRECT in whatever I do.

BUT some people hate my style.

Some people have the feeling that I try to spoil there little gaderings or partys.

And indeed that is CORRECT if is see that the little party is based on a bunch of crap and only bullshitting eachother and cheering how good and nice everyone is and pretending that they are so good and profitable. And rubbing honey around each others beards and licking eachothers asses based on nothing.

Aspecially when I see that the author of a topic is keeping up apearances for his own fame and glory (this is no refference to this topic here...honestly!)

I worked hard to become a good trader and teacher. The next I will need to work on is that part of my caracter that kicks peoples butt. But that kicking is ALWAYS based on facts. Not on assumptions.

So I need to find some tackticks how to kick someones butt without they have the feeling that I'm wearing boots and without they have the feeling that I am attacking them personally but only on what they say or claim.

But as Lenin make an omelette you need to break eggs.

Thinking about it, this could be even harder then becoming a good trader.


So I need to find some tackticks how to kick someones butt without they have the feeling that I'm wearing boots and without they have the feeling that I am attacking them personally but only on what they say or claim. But as Lenin make an omelette you need to break eggs.

Do you really NEED to find anything?


little action

Not much going on these days, huh? I've been a bit depressed last couple of weeks cause it's been quite quiet two weeks, with all my pairs going sideways I got so into making pips last two or three months using FTC that this sideways movement is killing me. And u guys got quiet also.

Sorry BB for not jumping into 1 M pips contest, I still get excited after closing some + trade that idea of making screenshots, editing and posting sounds like wasting time in such moments. After all, I'm doing most of trading on my 9-5 job.

Happy trading



Hi. Could someone tell me what is the name of this indicator??

If someone could share it I would be happy.



Just PM Roodstart who posted the post that you found the picture in, he is an extremely helpful guy and I am sure he will answer as soon as he sees the question in his PM inbox.

Hi. Could someone tell me what is the name of this indicator??

If someone could share it I would be happy.


It is Laguerre rsi v1

So now you can start being happy.


You say that people think I am a fraud..........

BUT some people hate my style...................

Some people have the feeling that I try to spoil there little gaderings or partys.

I worked hard to become a good trader and teacher..................

But as Lenin make an omelette you need to break eggs..........


iGor, there's something about you that I REALLY LIKE

Im going to do a very detailed study of everything that you posted. The little I've seen, impresses me

Im a contrarian by nature. Im also a counter trend trader.

The fact, that a lot of folks may not like you, is a very good sign to me

I can see that you are a very hard worker, and that means something to me.

I will close by saying this: " I may not know the formula for winning, but I definitely know the formula for losing. And the formula for losing is trying to please EVERYONE."

Keep working hard. Keep being creative. The more folks dislike you, the more I like you.

Keep up the good work
