Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 215

Hey Michel,

I dont have to advertise. I can do what I want if you dont like it 2 bad. I dont understand you people. You will never be successful if you stay so negative & nit picky. ITS A COMPETITION BETWEEN THREAD MEMBERS. The only meaningless thing is your post.


Hi Bigbear,

First of all I think there is nothing wrong by selling something if it is value for money.

But you say that you are not trying to sell something.

As far as I can see this topic is from you. It is in the commercial section and you try to sell something:

So don't say : I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING!!!!!.

Secondly: about your challange to make 1Milj pips;

You made some rules that people need to post there entry and exit by a printscreen before there result can be taken in account.

Wich I only find more then normall because anyone can post whatever kind of profit they made if it is not wintessed by anybody.

BUT...what I see is that nearly every printscreen of an entry that is posted is well in profit before they post it.

So that means that many people can try to take in entrys and only if they see or feel that that their position is in profit only then they gonna post it.

If you want the results taken a bit more serious or reliable then the time of entry and the time of posting the printscreen should not have more then 5 to 10 minutes delay.

I also see that most of the printscreens that are posted have some sort of an excuse. I could not..I was not..I had not the time...etc..etc..

I see that you even take results in your acount where people did not post their entry positions but again post a nice excuse the reason why they did not post the entry signals. But you buy the excuse anyway.

Lets face it, if I want to spoil this challenge according the way you handle the rules, I can do the opposite and not post my entry and only when I see that my position goes more then 1000pips in loss then I post my exit with a poor excuse and you will need to take in account as you did with other results and it would bring you back to square one or zero.

And I don't need to bother that I would look like a loser because you post only the 5 best winners.

So those results are highly questionable because the printscreens show already a very nice profit the moment that they post their entrys.

So I can understand some remarks of people that they do not see the losses.

...people take an entry....look if it is going in profit..if it is not in profit or if it is losing they do not posted ..if it is going nicely in profit then they post it....

A bit like the zigzag indicator itself... a dot apears for a top or bottom one takes a position but before you know it that top or bottom is broken and a new dot apears to show a new top or bottom and one can start all over again.

Conclusion: nearly only profits will apear here on this challange.

But not that it matters because after 1 month the challenge that is based on highly questionable results is now at +/- 1500pips profit. So it will take an other 666 months (or 55 years) before the challenge gets at 1Milj pips.

Not that I wish that it would fail but with a bit more realistic goals and following the rules correctly so it would proof something with a high reliability, it would have made this an interesting topic or challange to follow.

Up till now it proofed nothing.

Sorry it proofed that people show or post whatever and whenever they want when it suits them. People want to make shure that they can post profits and not losses.

Keeping up apearences....

One does not want to post severall losses because they think that posting losses is equal as beeing a loser...


Hi Bigbear,

First of all I think there is nothing wrong by selling something if it is value for money.

But you say that you are not trying to sell something.

As far as I can see this topic is from you. It is in the commercial section and you try to sell something:

So don't say : I AM NOT SELLING ANYTHING!!!!!.

Secondly: about your challange to make 1Milj pips;

You made some rules that people need to post there entry and exit by a printscreen before there result can be taken in account.

Wich I only find more then normall because anyone can post whatever kind of profit they made if it is not wintessed by anybody.

BUT...what I see is that nearly every printscreen of an entry that is posted is well in profit before they post it.

So that means that many people can try to take in entrys and only if they see or feel that that their position is in profit only then they gonna post it.

If you want the results taken a bit more serious or reliable then the time of entry and the time of posting the printscreen should not have more then 5 to 10 minutes delay.

I also see that most of the printscreens that are posted have some sort of an excuse. I could not..I was not..I had not the time...etc..etc..

I see that you even take results in your acount where people did not post their entry positions but again post a nice excuse the reason why they did not post the entry signals. But you buy the excuse anyway.

Lets face it, if I want to spoil this challenge according the way you handle the rules, I can do the opposite and not post my entry and only when I see that my position goes more then 1000pips in loss then I post my exit with a poor excuse and you will need to take in account as you did with other results and it would bring you back to square one or zero.

And I don't need to bother that I would look like a loser because you post only the 5 best winners.

So those results are highly questionable because the printscreens show already a very nice profit the moment that they post their entrys.

So I can understand some remarks of people that they do not see the losses.

...people take an entry....look if it is going in profit..if it is not in profit or if it is losing they do not posted ..if it is going nicely in profit then they post it....

A bit like the zigzag indicator itself... a dot apears for a top or bottom one takes a position but before you know it that top or bottom is broken and a new dot apears to show a new top or bottom and one can start all over again.

Conclusion: nearly only profits will apear here on this challange.

But not that it matters because after 1 month the challenge that is based on highly questionable results is now at +/- 1500pips profit. So it will take an other 666 months (or 55 years) before the challenge gets at 1Milj pips.

Not that I wish that it would fail but with a bit more realistic goals and following the rules correctly so it would proof something with a high reliability, it would have made this an interesting topic or challange to follow.

Up till now it proofed nothing.

Sorry it proofed that people show or post whatever and whenever they want when it suits them. People want to make shure that they can post profits and not losses.

Keeping up apearences....

One does not want to post severall losses because they think that posting losses is equal as beeing a loser...


You know what fine. I will just stop trying. I dont need this. If you read I asked for closed trades. I guess u missed that part. Oops. No matter. It is for the traders to prove to themselves. I have an inbox full of thank yous thanking me & F*** yous hating me. But you. You rant & rave all the time.You wanna sell stuff fine. You dont see me in your thread saying how you just took this idea & worked in a different way & that your a fraud as alot of people think you are. I just leave you alone. I dont write a big post saying basicly you suck which is what u have done here. I am not selling anything on this thread. Thats what I was talking about. This & that have nothing 2 do with each other. I asked everyone 2 be honest. I dont need to prove anything to anyone. especialy u. You have done nothing but bad mouth everything everyone tries. Not just me. i read your posts. You just want everyone 2 think your so high & mighty. In reality your not. I have wasted to much time on you already. So to sum it all up so you get the message F*** you & your regards.

Keep you regards. I dont need them.

Good luck everyone else in your trading.


You know what fine. I will just stop trying. I dont need this. If you read I asked for closed trades. I guess u missed that part. Oops. No matter. It is for the traders to prove to themselves. I have an inbox full of thank yous thanking me & F*** yous hating me. But you. You rant & rave all the time.You wanna sell stuff fine. You dont see me in your thread saying how you just took this idea & worked in a different way & that your a fraud as alot of people think you are. I just leave you alone. I dont write a big post saying basicly you suck which is what u have done here. I am not selling anything on this thread. Thats what I was talking about. This & that have nothing 2 do with each other. I asked everyone 2 be honest. I dont need to prove anything to anyone. especialy u. You have done nothing but bad mouth everything everyone tries. Not just me. i read your posts. You just want everyone 2 think your so high & mighty. In reality your not. I have wasted to much time on you already. So to sum it all up so you get the message F*** you & your regards.

Keep you regards. I dont need them.

Good luck everyone else in your trading.


Not much more can be added to what you have written and this video may not really be appropriate but here it is anyhow what I want to say though in a different tune > YouTube - "Amen" By Larnelle Harris



Hey All,

Its been a great 3 days. I am hoping to see some results. I saw a damn near 1000 pip trade on the GBP/JPY 1 HR chart. Where is everyone?


bouncing back.......


Can you live with yourself in the am

Sometimes I wonder about people???

I guess when I read posts, I just blow by a few because I know by the authors that nothing constructive will come of it. Why waste my time?? Same thing with threads. If there is an author of a thread that I've seen to be particularly argumentive, I blow by it.

People will always find a way to cheat and there is nothing you can do about it. Whats the prize won. At the end of the year, will they be a better trader? The best will be able to do as they choose and the prize will mean very little once they have developed the skills necessary to get there. After all, the reason we are here is to develop skills that will allow us to improve our lives. If this thread works for you, great. If not, move on.

You want to cheat. Open 16 demo accounts and set up 8 buys and 8 sells. Close when ready and you now have 8 winners. Forget the losers. Now open 4 more buys and 4 more sells. Close when ready and you now have 4 with 2 consecutive wins. Forget the losers again. open 2 more buys and 2 more sells. Close when ready and now you have 3 consecutive wins on 2 accts. Buy and sell again and 1 acct will end up with 4 consecutive wins. Now that will really stroke your ego and if that's what you want, ok.

But you know, by looking at the values being sent in, nobody is doing that. I don't see any huge wins here. I believe they are possible, but the people here are cautious and when it gets in the profit, the trades are closed probably earlier than necessary. Does that sound like cheating. No, to me it sounds like somebody who is taking the skills being developed here seriously and will let the trades run longer when they have more confidence in themselves and the system they are using. This thread has helped me immensely in my trading and I value the content. My thanks to bear and fx for starting it. I like people who think outside the box.

So in closing, On with the contest. I look forward to the results. And I can live with myself in the am.

Sometimes I wonder about people???


Both Igor and Bear have presented systems that are very interesting. They should be commended for that.

But to me it seems as though the difference of opinions between these two is now getting personal. It needs to stop.


a little help please

Hey guys. I made a qiuck ea using the Bouncing Pip idea, with this indicator 3_Level_ZZ, ZigandZag, and float. Uses settings 100,60, for all indies. Enters on signal 3, arrow, and zero volume of float, exits the same way. Now the problem is that closing the order coincides with the conditions being met for opening the opposite order so ea cannot open opposite order, it needs a stop and reverse function added. You see in the picture attached it should have opened the opposite order since all conditions were met but it did not. Also, it needs a stoploss set for low of candle "Current+1" +spread, instead of a static stop of 100 pips. I have a very limited knowledge of mql4 made this with the ea builder. So it would be great if somebody can handle this. Also for the programmer. Could you check the buy/sell/close logic? If I put the brackets properly since sometimes those ea's that i make work on the backtester but not in real time. Hope this ideas would be helpful to people. I am attaching the 3 indies that u need and the ea.

P.S. Mr. Pip, I would've added this to the BP EA if I knew how...EA is too complicated for my little brain, LOL.

Hey guys. I made a qiuck ea using the Bouncing Pip idea, with this indicator 3_Level_ZZ, ZigandZag, and float. .

As I like the idea, here is a zigzag indicator that does not repaint. I know, some of you will smile now, but take a look. It is an indicator, special for the bouncing pip I guess . ON the chart it is in the lowest indicatorwindow. The yellow line will look like zigzag on 1hr and 4 hr. Even on 30 min it is of great use. From now on it is inpossible to not make money I think. When arrow appears, look at bottom indicator for confirmation.

I guess this should be in the EA. And then deliver it to all the ones that have contributed on the bouncing pip in time here.

As I like the idea, here is a zigzag indicator that does not repaint. I know, some of you will smile now, but take a look. It is an indicator, special for the bouncing pip I guess . ON the chart it is in the lowest indicatorwindow. The yellow line will look like zigzag on 1hr and 4 hr. Even on 30 min it is of great use. From now on it is inpossible to not make money I think. When arrow appears, look at bottom indicator for confirmation. I guess this should be in the EA. And then deliver it to all the ones that have contributed on the bouncing pip in time here.

Thanks a lot for posting that, Roodstaart. Just checked it out and it does not repaint. I have to figure out how to integrate it. Problem is the ea only opens long trades for some reason and I do not see why that is ghrrrrrr...




I would like to ask a question. You appear to be using MTF dots of some type for trend to complement the ZZ? I have been using MTF Non-Lag MAs with a QQE for exact entry. Can you give me you opinion of that set-up? You are a more experienced trader than me, but from what I can see any fast trending indicator should do the trick.

And thanks for the new indicator.

